Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fathwa - She accuses her father-in-law of hypocrisy

Question husband is a born muslim but his mother is a non
muslim...his father is muslim but is more like a
munafiquin...Alhumdullilah my husband has learned islam after marriage
and is practicing sunnah in every stage...i dislike my in laws a lot
and find it very hard to respect them..they are old and itsour duty to
take care of husband loves them a lot and doesnt oppose their
faith but i find it very difficult to deal with the shirk they follow
and all the idol worship they practice at home..i want to keep my
children away from this mahool..but i know in islam not respecting
parents is also a prime gunaah...what do i do? please please guide..
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
isHis slave and Messenger.
First of all, you should know that among the characteristics of
Eemaan(faith) is to hate what thedisbelievers do, like themcommitting
Shirk (associating partners with Allaah), worshipping idols and
disobeying Allaah, and hating them due to this. Abu Daawood
At-Tayaalisi reported that the Prophet said: " The strongest bonds of
faith are love for the sakeof Allaah and hate for thesake of Allaah. "
Therefore, there is nothing wrong in not loving the non-Muslims. Also,
it is not an obligation to respect a non-Muslim, but it is not
permissible to mistreat him by words or actions just because he is a
On the other hand, if you reside together in the same house with your
husband's parents, then you have the right to ask your husband to
provide you with a separate accommodation and you are not obligated to
live with them in the same house regardless of whether they are
Muslimsor non-Muslims, because the wife has the right upon her husband
to provide her with a separate accommodationas we clarified in Fatwa
84608 .
Therefore, your husband is obligated to provide you with a separate
accommodation according to his ability. In this way it will be
possible to protect your children from being affected by their
With regard to your husband, he is obligated to hate the Shirk upon
which his parents are, but he is also obligated to be kind and dutiful
to them as this is their right upon him even if they are non-Muslims.
Allaah says (what means): { And We have enjoined upon man [care] for
his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon
weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to
your parents; to Me is the[final] destination. But if they endeavor to
make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not
obey them but accompany them in [this]world with appropriate kindness.
} [Quran 31:14-15]
For more benefit in this regard, please refer to Fatwa 87019 .
Among the best acts of being kind and dutiful to them is to endeavor
to guide them to the Right Path. So, your husband has to supplicate
Allaah to guide them to Islam and he should invite them to embrace it.
He may make use of the Fataawa which clarify that Islam is the true
religion which corresponds to the Fitrah (natural predisposition upon
which Allaah created mankind] and which comprehends the benefits of
this worldly life and the Hereafter. These Fataawa are as follows:
86091 , 88906 , 173389 , 11506 and 85513 .
Finally, we draw your attention to the following three matters:
1- Hypocrisy is of two kinds: one is related to belief and one is
related to actions. The one related to actions does not take a person
out of the fold of Islam, like if a Muslim has the characteristics of
lying and betraying the trust and the like. The hypocrisy related to
belief is to pretend to be a Muslim [show Islam outwardly] and hiding
disbelief [i.e. while a person is not really a Muslim in his heart].
Nonetheless, it is not permissible to accuse a Muslim of hypocrisy
without evidence. It seems that your father-in-law although he is
affiliated with Islam, he commits Shirk actions. So, if this is the
case, it is an obligation to clarify the truth to him but he should
not be judged to be a non-Muslim unless after establishing the
evidence against him. Formore benefit, kindly refer to Fataawa 1854
and 134798 .
2- It is not permissible fora Muslim to marry a non-Muslim woman
unless she is from the People of the Book (Jews or Christians) as
Islam forbade a Muslim from keeping such a woman as a wife. Allaah
says (what means): { And hold not to marriage bonds with disbelieving
women. } [Quran 60:10]
For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 87895 .
3- Mistreating people other than the parents, though it is
impermissible, it is not called undutifulness.
Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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