“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Sunday, December 16, 2012
"Holy History of Hazrat Syed Hameed Qadir Vali" - Pilgirimage, Tourist Place, Nagoor Dargah, " sufi Shahul Hameed Baadsaa", Tamil nadu, INDIA
Holy History of Hazrat Syed Hameed Qadir Vali - The World Famous Muslim Pilgrim centre Nagore Dargah Located in INDIA / Tamil Nadu ( Sout...
Dought & clear - People claiming that they can make lots of money by using the jinn
There is a man who claims that he deals withthe jinn, and that he is prepared to pay huge profits to anyone who deals with him. For exampl...
Dought & clear - He was absent from work with the permission of his immediate boss, but without the management’s knowledge.
I found a job as a customer service representative in Egypt. We had to sign a contract, the terms of which are as follows: A two month tra...
Kathir ibn Abdullah reported: TheProphet, peace and blessings be upon him, said to Bilal, "Know." He said, "What should I kn...
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