Sunday, December 16, 2012

"Holy History of Hazrat Syed Hameed Qadir Vali" - Pilgirimage, Tourist Place, Nagoor Dargah, " sufi Shahul Hameed Baadsaa", Tamil nadu, INDIA

Holy History of Hazrat Syed Hameed Qadir Vali
The World Famous Muslim Pilgrim centre Nagore Dargah Located in INDIA
/ Tamil Nadu ( South India ). The Dargah is Famous because of Hazrath
22nd Decentant of Halarath Syedina Shah Ahmed Mujthaba Muhammad
Mustafa (Sallalahu Alaihi wassalam) And 9th Direct Decentant from
Halarath Syed Mohideen Shaik Abdul kaadhir Jeelani bagdhahi
Raliyallahu thaalanahu.
sheriff Located in Nagore, South India- THE Dargah is located 78 km
from Thanjavur / 300 KM from Chennai ( Madras _ . The tomb is almost
MORE THAN 500 years old and istopped by a golden dome and flanked by 5
minarets. It is just 4 km tothe north of Nagapattinam. Nagore
(sometimes spelled Nagoor) is a town in the Nagapattinam District,
Tamil Nadu, India. It is located approximately 4 km north of the city
of Nagapattinam. Nagore has a population of approximately 30,000. A
prominent five-acre dargah (Muslim shrine) dedicated to the 16th
century saint Nagore Andavar (literally "the Lord of Andavar"; also
popularly called Meeran Sahib or Qadir Wali) is located there, and
serves as a pilgrim center. The 14-day Kandhuri Urs (alsospelled
Kandoori or Kandhoori) festival, dedicated to the saint, is held there
Auliyas Name : There are many name called in Local Languages Some of
the most popular Names are below
Periya Ezamaan
Naagore AAndavar
Shahul Hameed Baadhusha Naayagam
Qaadirwali Babaa
Naagore Naayagam
Karunai Kadal Naayagam
A brief History of the HolySaint His Holiness Hazarath SYED SHAHUL
Nagore Dargah ( Nagore Dargah) Sheriff.
This Famous Holy Saint was born in Manickkapurnear Ayodhya in the
northern Indian state of U.P. on a blessed Friday early morning in the
Arabic month of 10th Jamathul Akhir Hijiri 910 (1491-A.D.)The Holy
Saint was the 23rd lineal descendant of the Holy Prophet MOHAMMED
(S.A.W the peace upon him). His father was HAZARATH SYED HASAN
Even before his birth, a messenger of God appeared before his mother
Beebi Fathima in a dream and predicted that she would be blessed with
a son who would be the Savior of people and spend his life to spread
Ilam. Even as a child he showed signs of great wisdom, intense piety
and divine communication before he was eight years old and learnt
Arabic language and its grammar. He went in search of a religious
preceptor (Master) who could educate him in solving the riddle and the
secrecy of the world and who could teach himmore about the Almighty
and his ways and at his parent's desire, went to Gwalior to be
initiated byHAZARATH SYED MOHAMED GHOUSE SAHIB Gwalior in divine
After more than a decadeof training, he left Gwalior and went to
Manickkapur with a bunch of 404 disciples and then toured extensively
with his disciples in Afghanistan, Balusistan and other places of the
world performing innumerable miracles on the way by raising the dead,
making the dump to speak and the lamb to walk and by curing all kinds
of incurable diseases.
On his way to Makkah (Saudi Arabia), he halted in a Mosque at Lahore
where a rich and respectable Mohammedan Kazi Hazarath Noordin Sahib
approached him to be blessed with a child. The Saint gave a chewed
betel leaf to Noordin andinstructed Noordin to hand over to his wife
Beebi Johara and ordained that she should swallow it and remain
separated from her husband for 40 days.He prayed to the Almighty
tobless Noordin with children, and also informed Noordin that the
eldest son should be dedicated to him as his son and asked Noordin to
remain with him for 40 days without seeing his wife.As per his
blessings, Beebi Johara conceived and gave birthto a son on the 12th
of Rajab Hijiri 959 and the child was named SYED MOHAMMED YOOSUF SAHIB
as directed by the Holy Saint.
The child was properly educated and in his 7th year took leave of his
parents to go and meet his real father at Makkah as he heard a Divine
Voice informing him that his father (Hazarath Syed Shahul Hameed Qadir
wali) was awaiting his arrival at Makkah so he went to Makkah and
joined his father there.The Saint, his son and 404 followers-disciples
visited Ponnani, Sri Lanka, Kayalpattinam,Keelakarai and Thankasi and
propagated Islam.
Lastly the Saint visited Thanjavur, at that time the Naick dynasty was
ruling over Thanjavur. The King Achuthuppa Naikan, then ruler of
Thanjavur was suffering from a grievous and prolonged illness. The
ministry of the King begged the Saint and requested him to visit
thepalace and cure the ill of the King. The Saint was very much moved
went to the palace and found that a dove was made to suffer by
black-magic, with pin pricks all over its body and it was in a very
unsafe condition and was the cause of the King's ailment at once.
Heasked his son to bring the dove prayed and removed one by one the
pins in the body of the dove. After the removal of the pins the King
recovered and got well. The queen energized by the miraculous cure of
her husband fell on her knees before the Saint and begged the Saint to
bless them with children. The Saint accordingly blessed them with a
fruitful progeny and in return the King offered wealth and rich
presents which the Saint did not accept but only asked theKing to give
him a piece of land near the Sea-shore.
Accordingly the King dedicated 30 acres of land called 'Heavenly' and
submitted the same to the Holy Saint on which the present buildings
and premises of "Nagore Dargah shrine" stands. He remained in the
place till the end of his life with his son.As per his instruction his
SAHIBA Daughter of KhajaMahadoom-ul-Yamani of west Nagore. He got
eight children-six males and two daughters.
The Saint went to Vanjoor nearly 2 miles away from the northern side
of Nagore and in theArabic month of Rajab fasted there for 40 days in
a pit covered with a plank on which side the present Vanjoor
Pallivasal stands and also fasted 40days at Silladi Pallivasal near
sea-shore of Nagore.
The holy Saint demised inHis 68th year on a Friday early morning in
Hijiri 978 and was entombed at Nagore according to his direction.On
the right side of the Holy Saint the tomb of His son Hazarath Syed
Mohamed Yoosuf Sahib and the tomb of his wife Syed Sultan Beebi Amma
Sahiba are situated.
The Maharatta King of Thanjavur Tulasi Maharaja endowed 115 villages
4000 acres of Agricultural lands for the maintenance of the Dargah.
The Miracles of the Holy saint had not stopped with his demise, but
continues to the present day.
The people of all religion are visiting Nagore Dargah daily to get the
blessings of the Holy saint with out any distinction.The Nagore Dargah
is an object of Great veneration not only for Muslims but also for
people of other religions.The Holy Saint came to Nagore on Thursday.
So every Thursday large congregation of pilgrims visit the Dargah and
make their offerings to the Holy Saint.
The anniversary of the Holy Saint is celebrated every year for
fourteen days commencing from the first day of the Islamic calendar
month of Jamathul - akhir. ( You can easily find the corresponding
English dates on Internet or any traditional calendars)
The festival known as theGrand "KANDOORI FESTIVAL" attracts hundreds
of thousands of pilgrims from Malaysia, Singapore, Arabia, Sri Lanka,
Burma, Pakistan and majority of the pilgrims come from the Indian
states of Andhra Pradesh, Kerela, Karnataka, Maharastra, U.P and West
Bengal and other parts of India.
The Dargah is managed by eight hereditary trustees who are the lineal
descendants of the Saint's miraculous son Hazarath Syed Mohamed Yusoof
Sahib by primogeniture.
The Holy Saint born................................. Hijiri 910
The Holy Saint demised........................... Hijiri 978
Stay with his father...................................18 Years
Stay with his Spiritual Master............. .....10 Years
Propagation of Islam............................. ..12 Years,
Stayed at Nagore.................................... .28 Years/


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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