“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Thursday, October 25, 2012
NOBEL PRIZE Understanding cells - John B. Gurdon of the United Kingdom.
THE 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to twoscientists for discoveries that have led to a paradigm shift in our ...
* * EID MUBARAK *** - greating tips
Look Outside. It's so pleasant! Sun Smiling For you. Trees Dancing for you. Birds singing foryou. Because I requestedthem All to wish ...
Mistakes made on Eid
What are the mistakes and wrong actions that the Muslims are warned against on the two Eids? We see some actions which we denounce such as ...
Is it permissible for ordinary people to label as a kaafir one who reviles Islam, without referring to the scholars concerning that?
Is it permissible for ordinary people, if they hear someone reviling Allah or Islam or the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon ...
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