Thursday, October 25, 2012

* * EID MUBARAK *** - greating tips

Look Outside. It's so pleasant! Sun Smiling For you. Trees Dancing for
you. Birds singing foryou. Because I requestedthem All to wish
May the choicest blessings of Allah fill your life with joy and
prosperity.EID MUBARAK
May the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open all
the doors of success nowand always.Eid Mubarak
Some words can be left unsaid,Some feeling can be left unexpressed,But
person like u can never be forgotton on this day.* * EID MUBARAK ***
With petals of roses,Palmfull of holy water,Light of
sunshine,Fragrance ofFlowers & Grass with the dew. I wish a very
Eid is the combination of3 meaningful words. E - Embrace with open
heart. I - Inspire with impressive attitude. D - Distribute pleasure
to all.Eid Mubarak

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