Tuesday, September 16, 2014

For children, - Blaming others Stories


Sometimes in life, we do come up with lame excuses, blinded by circumstances / challenges we face, but blaming others or making excuses for our behavior is a waste of time because no matter how much fault we find in others and regardless of how much we blame someone, it will not change us and most certainly not add to our growth or success. So read the following story to understand the blaming game.
Once there was a rich man who had a beautiful orchard with splendid figs. He appointed two watchmen for his orchard. One watchman was lame and the other one was blind.
One day the lame watchman said to the blind watchman: "I see splendid figs in the orchard. Come, I will ride on your shoulders, and we will take them and eat them."
So the lame watchman rode on the shoulders of the blind watchman, and they took the fig fruits and ate them.
Some time after, the owner of the orchard came and inquired, "Where are those splendid figs?" The lame watchman replied, "Have I feet to walk with?" The blind watchman replied, "Have I eyes to see with?"
What did the rich man do? He placed the lame watchman on the shoulders of the blind watchman and judged them together.
Now the thing that I call living is just being satisfied. With knowing I got no one left to blame.
Blame someone else for your fault story
One day when my son Scott was two years old, I heard him crying. I went into his room and my daughter Hannah, who was four, was there also. A plastic bat was lying on the floor.
"What happened to Scott?" I asked.
Hannah answered, "He hit his head."
"On what?"
She pointed toward the bat on the floor and said, "The bat."
"Where was the bat?"
Hannah said, "In my hand."
Blaming others also needs wisdom story
Once a ship got caught in a violent storm. It wreaked havoc and the waves cast its wrecks on the sands of the shore. Among them was a sailor who lay senseless on the beach. When he came to his senses, he cursed the sea saying, "The Sea is a cheat indeed. It attracts people with its cool and calm waters and once they are in its grip, it turns furious and destroys them."
Hearing his reproach, the sea felt pinched. But it didn't want to trouble the sailor anymore. So, it came to the sailor in form of a damsel.
"Who are you, O lovely lady?" asked the sailor.
"I am the sea and am as lovely as you see me now. You are blaming me for the wreck but it isn't just." Surprised, the sailor asked, "Who is just then?"
The sea urged, "The wreck was caused by the cruel winds that blew into gusts and gales over me and created stormy waves in my calm waters."
The sailor had nothing to say except feeling sorry for blaming the sea.
Almost all unhappiness in life comes from the tendency to blame someone else.


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