Saturday, August 2, 2014

Qanoon e Shariat, - Beliefs {Part 3}


{continued...Part 2} - - Who is Ahl-e-Bait (the Holy Prophet's immediate family)
Ahl-e-Bait is the Holy Prophet's wives and children. Just like the Sahhabis, there has been a lot of virtuous verses and Hadiths for them. To love the Sahhabis and Ahl-e-Bait is to love the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam.
Belief. To accuse the mother of all Muslims Hazrat Aisha Siddiqua (May Allah be pleased with her) with adultery is definitely Kufr and is an apostate. [Shara-e-Aquaid, Wa takmeel, Wa Hindiya etc]
Belief: Hazraat - Hasnain (Imam Hasan and Hussain) are of the highest grade of martyrs. Those who reject any of their Martyrdoms is a misguided person and from a bad sect.
Belief: Those who call Hazrat Imam Hussain (May Allah be pleased with him) a traitor or show Yazid as correct is a rejected person and a Kharji and therefore rightful of the fire of hell. There is no doubt in Yazid being wrong, however, do not call Yazid a Kafir or call him a Muslim, but remain quiet.
Belief: Those who do not love the Sahhabis or Ahl-e-Bait is a misguided person and from the wrong sect.
Rule: To get involved in the details of disagreements between the Sahhabis is forbidden and strictly forbidden. To hold them against their mistakes or because of this, blame them or show them as no longer evident on faith is not allowed and is against the order of Allah or his Messenger.
Wali is a pious Muslim who due to his knowledge and closeness to Allah has been given a specific position. Usually this grade is given after strictly following the Shariat and also devotion and worship. It is however, given sometimes from birth and therefore without devotion and effort. Out of all the Aulia, the highest grade is held by the Calipha-e-Raashideen. There have been Aulia in every era and will always be in every era, however, their recognition is difficult. Allah have given the Aulia great strength, whoever asks for their help is given that help even though they may be a great distance away. There knowledge is extensive, upto the extent that many give information of 'Makaana Wamaayakoon' (what has happened and what will happen) and on 'Lo'he Mahfooz'. After death their power and strength increases. To visit their shrines is to gain virtue, prosperity and blessing. To present them with Eesaal-e-Sawab is a very good thing and a way of gaining blessings. To perform the 'Urs' (death anniversary) of Aulia-e-Kiram, meaning every year to pray the Quran, perform Fatiha, speech ceremony, Eesaal-e-Sawab are all good things and are worthy of reward. However, as regard to bad acts and non allowable actions like, dance, music, group acts etc. are all sinful deeds and are even more sinful when performed near shrines.
What qualifications are necessary for a Peer
To become followers of Aulia and to become involved with them is a worthy action to gain reward in both worlds, it is therefore necessary for these four qualifying aspects to be necessary in a Peer, for one to perform Bai'at (take oath).
They must be a Sunni with the correct beliefs, otherwise you may actually lose your faith.
He must have enough knowledge so that he can complete his necessary actions by looking at books, otherwise he will no be able to differentiate between forbidden and acceptable, allowed and not allowed.
He must not be a Fasiq (wrongdoer, one who does not follow Shariat) as it is necessary to disrespect a Fasiq and it is important to respect a Peer.
His tree of virtue must be connected to the Holy Prophet otherwise he will not gain virtue from the top.
Taqleed, meaning to follow one of the four Imams of religion in orders of Islamic law (Shariat), i.e. Imam Azam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Shafa'ee or Imam Hambal and to pray Namaz as per their way or perform Roza, Zakat etc. is necessary (Wajib) to follow one of them and is known as Taqieed Shakhshi.
Notice: These Imams have not made a rule on their own accord but have explained the meaning of the Quran and Hadith which a normal person or even an Alim could not understand. Therefore to follow these Imams is really following the Quran and Hadith.
Rule: Whoever follows one Imam, cannot follow another Imam, for example, to follow some rules as per one Imam and other rules as per another Imam as it is necessary to firmly follow one Imam.. It is also not allowed to change from one Imam to another e.g. become a Hanafi from Shafa'ee etc. and so whoever you have followed upto today you must continue following him. It is also a joint agreement by all Ulema that you cannot follow another Imam or a Mujtahid (religious director) except for one of these four.


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