Sunday, August 10, 2014

For children, - Muslim Mothers Prayer: Companion of Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) in Paradise


Once, while conversing with Almighty Allah (SWT), Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh)requested: "O' Lord! I desire to meet the person, who is to be my companion in Paradise."
Jibril (Gabriel) descended and informed Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) that his companion was to be a butcher who lived in a certain place. Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) set out in search of him and arrived at his shop, when he noticed a youth, resembling a night watchman, busy selling meat.
When night fell, the youth took some meat and proceeded towards his house. Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) followed him till they reached there. Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) approached the youth and said, "Would you not like to have a guest?" The youth willingly agreed and took Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) inside.
Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) watched the youth preparing some food. When he had finished, he brought down a large basket from the upper storey. Bringing out an old and wizened woman from inside it, he washed her and then proceeded to feed her with his own hands. When the youth was about to carry the basket back to its original place, Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) noticed the old woman's lips move as she mumbled something incomprehensible.
The youth then brought food for Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) and both of them ate their dinner. Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) inquired, "What is your relation with this old woman?"
The youth replied, "She is my mother and since my financial state does not allow me to purchase a slave-girl for her, I myself strive to serve and look after her."
Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) questioned further, "What did your mother mumble before you took her upstairs?"
The youth responded, "Whenever I wash her and feed her, my mother prays: May Allah (SWT) forgive you and place you in the company and in the rank of Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) in Paradise."
Hearing this, Prophet Musa / Moses (pbuh) said, "O' Youth! I give you glad tidings; Allah (SWT) has accepted your Muslim Mothers Prayers and Jibril (Gabriel) has informed me that you shall be my companion in Paradise!"


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