Sunday, July 20, 2014

Taraaweeh prayers, - Dought&clear, - * Adding another rak’ahto the imaam’s witr because one wants to pray some more


Some people, when they pray witr with the imaam and he says salaam, they get up and do another rak’ah, because they want to do more prayers before praying witr later in the night. What is the ruling on this action? Is it considered to be forsaking the prayer with the imaam?
Praise be to Allaah.
We do not see anything wrong with this, and the ‘ulama’ stated that there is nothing wrong with doing this, so that his witr will be at the end of the night. He will be considered to have prayed with the imaam until he finished, because he stayed with him until he finished, and added another rak’ah for a shar'i reason, which was so that he could pray witr later in the night. There is nothing wrong with this, and it does not mean that he did not stay with the imaam until he finished, but he did not finish with him – he delayed it a little longer.
From al-Jawaab al-Saheeh min Ahkaam Salaat al-Layl wa’l-Taraaweeh by Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz, p. 41.


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