Sunday, July 20, 2014

For children, - Jesus: Prophet of Islam, Jesus in Noble Qur'an, Truth about Jesus Christ, Jesus Sayings, Stories


Imam Ridha (as) said, 'The most terrifying events for creatures are three: the day one is born and comes out of his mother's belly and sees the world, the day he dies and sees the afterlife and its people, and the day he is raised and sees laws he did not see in this world, and Allah (SWT) made Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) secure in these three events and protected him from fear, and He said:
"And peace on him on the day he was born, and on the day he dies, and on the day he is raised to life." (Noble Qur'an 19:15)
And Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) the son of Maryam (Mary) made himself secures in these three events, and he said:
"And peace on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life." (Noble Qur'an 19:33)
Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) lived for thirty-three years; he was not killed nor crucified, but it was made to appear so to the Christians. On the night of the twenty-first of Ramadanhe was raised while there were nine thousands three hundred thirteen angles with him. Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) was raised from the earth alive and his soul was taken between heaven and earth, then he was raised to heaven and his soul was returned to him. Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) will come down to the world before the Resurrection day with the twelfth Imam al-Mahdiof the Household of the Prophet, and invite the people to Allah (SWT).
In the resurrection will come a man in a group and the angels will be around him with wings outspread and the light will be in front of them. Then the people of the Garden will crane their necks toward him and say, 'Who is this who is thus allowed by Allah?' The angels will say, 'This is the spirit of Allah and His word! This is Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) the son of Mary!'
Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) once said about himself, "I sleep while I have nothing and I rise while I have nothing, and yet there is no one on earth more wealthy than I," and Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) said another time, "I began the morning with my Lord, the Blessed and Supreme, above me and the fire (of hell) before me and death in pursuit of me. I have not obtained that for which I wished and I cannot keep away the things I hate. So who of the poor is poorer than I?"
Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) passed by a man who was blind, leprous and paralytic, and Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) heard him giving thanks and saying, "Praise be to Allah (SWT) Who has protected me from the trials with which He afflicts the majority of men." Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) said, "What trial remains which has not been visited upon you?" He said, "He protected me from a trial which is the greatest of trials, and that is disbelief." Then Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) touched him, and Allah (SWT) cured him from his illnesses and beautified his face. Then he became a companion of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) and worshipped with him.
These two stories about him suffice to show his humility. Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) served a meal to the Apostles, and when they had eaten it, he himself washed them, and another time he stood up and washed their feet. They said, "It would have been more proper for us to have done this, O Spirit of Allah." Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) replied, "Verily, it is more fitting for one with knowledge to serve the people. Indeed, I humbled myself only so that you may humble yourselves among the people after me even as I have humbled myself among you."
The conversations of Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) with the disciples are very interesting. They asked him, "O spirit of Allah, so with whom should we keep company?" Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) said, "He the sight of whom reminds you of Allah (SWT), his speech increases your knowledge and his action makes you desirous of the other world." And a man asked Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) the son of Mary, "Which people is the best?" Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him) took two handfuls of earth and said, "Which of these is the best? The people are created from earth, so the most honorable of them is the most God wary."
Almighty God also introduced Himself to Prophet Isa (Jesus, peace upon him), He described His endless mercy to him, and He gave him necessary instructions. Once He said to him, "O Isa (Jesus)! I do not forget those who forget Me, so how could I forget those who remember Me! I am not stingy with those who disobey Me, so how could I be stingy with those who obey Me." And He said another time, "Be to the people like the earth below in meekness, like the flowing water in generosity, and like the sun and the moon in mercy, which shine on the good and sinner alike."


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