Thursday, July 31, 2014

For children, - Importance of parents extract from Maulana Sadiq Hassan's speech(Disobedience to parents)


It was a time when the outskirt of Makkah was not safe, full of robbers and thieves. An Indian prince, who carried his life savings (precious gem stones) in a pouch, had to leave Makkah. He had to leave his savings with someone otherwise he would be looted. Indian prince was told about an Iranian sheikh named Abdul Tahir Khorasani, who lived in Makkah, a very trustworthy and pious Momin (Believer in the Divine Laws). The Indian prince left his Amanat (safe custody) with the Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani. When the Indian prince returned he found out that the Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani had passed away. The Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani's family members brought out a box and asked him if his Amanat was in it, however the Indian prince could not see his pouch. The Amanat was so valuable that the Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani did not even trust his own family members with it and he kept its location secret. The Indian prince was upset, because the Amanat was his life savings.
The Indian prince then thought maybe it would be worth going to Wadi-e-Salaam in Najaf, Iraq, where the pious souls are sent to, he may see the Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani and ask him about his Amanat. The Indian prince went to Najaf, Iraq, he would spend most of the day at Wadi-e-Salaam for three weeks but he did not meet the Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani. One day a man from Najaf, Iraq chatted to him and suggested that maybe he should try Wadi-e-Barhoot in Yemen where souls are sent for punishment. The Indian prince reached Wadi-e-Barhoot, and called out for the Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani. He saw a person coming towards him who was burned from head to toe. The Indian prince got scared and called for the Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani again, the burnt person said I am Abdul Tahir Khorasani. The Indian prince was shocked and said you, such a pious Momin, why are you getting this harsh punishment?
The Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani replied, after my death I got a message from Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) that the reward for all my good deeds is that on the day of judgement I would be raised with the prophets and my face would shine like the moon. However I have three sins which Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) will not forgive and that is why I am being punished. I was told that you loved the Holy Kaaba and doing worship (al-Ibada) so much that you migrated to Makkah, and you forgot your old parents who needed you? I replied that I used to send money every month for maintenance. But parents are those who want their children not their children's money.
The Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani continued. Once in a gathering I insulted an Aalim. And once I gave Khums to a person who did not deserve it. These three sins Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) will not tolerate and will not forgive. The Iranian sheikh, Abdul Tahir Khorasani then told the Indian prince where his Amanat was hidden.
Moral:Today we live in a 'global village', where it takes seconds for news to reach from one end of the world to the other end. Yet how sad that people doesn't care and don't ask about their parents or relatives. So close yet so far. What is then the point of this 'global village'? This is a sin (Gunaah) that Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) will not forgive. So teach your children this message, not just through words but through your own actions. Teach them the value of parents through your actions.


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