Saturday, July 19, 2014

For children, - 10 brief points Christians should know about Jesus and MuslimsProphet Jesus (peace be upon him)


1. Muslims love Prophet Jesus. We also love Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, and Prophet Noah, to name just a few other Prophets Muslims revere. May God's peace be upon all of these great messengers of God.
2. Muslims also love the mother of Prophet Jesus, the Virgin Mary. We believe she was a pious and noble woman chosen over all of the women of the world.
3. Muslims believe that Prophet Jesus was born miraculously of a virgin mother and no father. His birth is miraculous like the birth of Prophet Adam, the first human being, who was created with neither mother nor father.
4. Muslims do not believe that Prophet Jesus was the son of God. God is so powerful and self-sufficient that He does not need a son or any kind of partner.
5. In Arabic Bible the name for God is Allah. Therefore all Arab Christian call God Allah as Muslim do as well.
6. Prophet Jesus did not die on the cross. Rather, God saved him as his enemies were confused about him. Prophet Jesus was taken up by God to Heaven.
7. Prophet Jesus is called Isa (pronounced Eesa) in Arabic and the spirit of God (Roohullah) is his title.
8. Prophet Jesus performed miracles by the Will of God, like healing the blind and those with leprosy.
9. Prophet Jesus prayed to the same God as all Prophets and we Muslims pray to.
10. Prophet Jesus will return before the end of the world during the time of Imam al-Mahdi, the embodiment of the Messiah or the saviour.


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