When the woman is neither a mother, nor a daughter nor a wife, she is still a fellow Muslim and she is entitled to kindness and good treatment which is due to every Muslim. She is entitled to the same rights of man on other Muslims.
Islam honors woman in a manner that cannot be found in any non-Muslim society. Even the enemies who came to Muslim countries acknowledged that there is no other religion that honored woman as Islam did, nor a Sharee‘ah )Islamic legislation( that exalted the woman, raised her head and gave her full rights as the Islamic Sharee‘ah did.
Annie Rord, a writer, said, "It is better for our daughters to work as servants in houses than to work in laboratories where the woman is polluted with filth which remove the splendor of her life forever. I wish that our countries were like Muslim countries where modesty, chastity and purity prevail." ]Fatayaatuna Bayn-at-Taghreeb wal-‘Afaaf by Dr. Naasir Al-‘Umar, p.56[
The woman's enemies are the men's enemies and there is no difference at all. They are four groups:
First: The Jews:
They are the keenest of all people to corrupt humanity and destroy its beliefs and morals. The reason why they exert their utmost in this respect is that they believe that they will not live unless they destroy the others or corrupt them in order to be their slaves, as they say.
Second: The Christians:
They are the followers of a distorted religion. They deviated from the true religion and neglected the truth.
Third: Secularists:
Even if such people claim that they are Muslim, they are in fact the messengers of Western secularism. If secularism can justify its existence in Western countries, it cannot do so in Muslim lands.
Fourth: Opportunists:
They want to increase their income and make great profits even if this is at the expense of woman. They use her to promote their goods and attract customers to their shops. As a tool of blackmail, many opportunists use the woman to trap prominent people and then take photos of them in shameful positions and exploit this to turn them into slaves.
Aspects of the Enemies’ Plots against Woman
The enemies and their followers have ferocious plans to corrupt the woman and take her away from the straight path. They managed to carry out all these plans in some Muslim countries and they work hard to carry out all or some of these plans in other countries. Here I will mention some of these plans; some in brief and others in details.
First: Making up baseless issues:
Most people live without issues to disturb them and therefore the enemies are keen to instigate discussions about women's issues, indicating that they need supporters and defenders. Therefore, they keep talking in different media that the woman in our societies is suffering, oppressed, neglected, deprived of her full rights and that the man is in control of everything. They do so ceaselessly until they convince people that there are several women's issues in our society which, upon contemplation, do not exist.
We do not deny that some women experience oppression by some ignorant husbands and fathers. Nevertheless, this is due to the Muslims' negligence of their creed and religion. Consequently, it is the issue of the Muslim society as a whole which is afflicted with diseases because they have abandoned the means of protection. Some women's suffering is a consequence of the Muslims' negligence of their religion as well as their surrender to and imitation of their enemies.
Consequently, treating woman's issues is part and parcel of treating the Ummah )nation( as a whole and restoring matters to their proper place. However, to instigate people by indicating that the woman has special issues that are different from the other components of the Muslim society, is a studied plan intended to aggravate the issue. When people turn their attention to such issues, the enemies provide their poisonous solutions. To specify the matter in terms that it is a woman-specific issue, besides being far from the scientific view, this attitude does not treat the real issue because it neglects the actual reasons behind the problem and lacks comprehensive treatment.
Second: Aborting the society’s 'immunity':
The Muslim community, even if it is afflicted with weakness, is still able to protect itself. It fights deviated beliefs and hates corrupted morals, like the body which can not be attacked by diseases when its immunity is still functioning.
Therefore, the enemies are keen on weakening the immunity of Muslim society in order to make it lose its religious zeal and enthusiasm for its beliefs. When they reach this stage, they will be able to perpetrate whatever forms of corruption they wish without the least resistance.
They managed to attack the Muslim society by emphasizing forms of violations here and there. People shudder when seeing evil for the first time, and this lessens the second time, a state of indifference occurs in the third, justifications are sought in the fourth, the self commits the evil in the fifth and attempts to philosophize it in the sixth.
The following are some of the methods used to weaken the Muslim society’s immunity:
•Provocative magazines and indifferent newspapers:
They present women in immoral images and disgraceful scenes. I wonder how we could claim to have concern for people's minds and morals by preventing our newspapers and magazines from this while our markets and bookstores are full of imported vanity. When those who sell spoilt goods are punished and forced to pay a fine, those who corrupt minds, hearts and tastes are worthier of receiving the punishment they deserve.
• Spreading corrupt thoughts:
This occurs through newspaper columns as well as interviews where people get used to hearing such words.
• Breaking the psychological barrier between Muslims and non-Muslims:
This has affected Muslims to the extent that it has become hard for some of them to hear the expression “intellectual invasion” in use, and they say that the proper name for it is “cultural communication”. They say that we have to adopt the policy of the open door, a wide open window and fresh air.
We do not prevent those who have enlightened thought to learn about the civilization of others. Rather, we are of the view that challenging the enemies' plotting and misguidance is a form of Jihaad )struggle(. Nevertheless, we are against the intellectual chaos which corrupts people's beliefs, morals and etiquettes.
• Calling for the freedom of the woman
Who hates freedom and loves restrictions? This was the starting point for the intense use of the term “the emancipation of women”, as if the woman is a slave who must be emancipated. Meanwhile, it presented those who call for corrupting woman as merciful saviors who wish to rescue her from the abyss she has fallen into.
We say: Is there absolute freedom in this universe without restrictions? Had there been no restrictions before the human except his capacities and potentials, they would have been enough to eradicate the concept of “the absolute freedom”. How? No human can live in communities without systems and laws. Does this mean that all the humans are enslaved? Even if this is the case, these restrictions should be investigated to know which is more likely to safeguard man’s dignity, maintain his honor and bring goodness for him in both worlds.
Spreading chaos under the pretext of freedom is a Jewish plot; and the Jews were the first to deny it.
It is mentioned in the First Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion, "Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people, the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm."
It is mentioned in the Fourth Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion,
"But even freedom might be harmless and have its place in the State economy without injury to the well-being of the peoples if it rested upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the concept of equality, which is made negative by the very laws of creation, for they have established subordination. With a faith such as this, a people might be governed by a wardship of parishes, and would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor submitting to the dispositions of God on earth. This is the reason why it is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the "goyim" the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs." ]
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