Friday, May 2, 2014

Qur'an Related, - Hussain's (ra) martyrdom

Ibn Rahwayh, al-Bayhaqi, and Abu Nu`aym narrated from Umm Salamah: The Messenger of Allah (saas) lay down one day and woke up, holding a handful of red dirt in his hand and turning it this way and that. I asked: "What is this dirt, Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "Jibril informed me that this one [meaning Hussain] would be killed in Iraq, and this is his resting-ground." 99
Ibn al-Sakan, al-Baghawi, and Abu Nu`aym narrated from Anas ibn al-Harith, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "Truly this son of mine [meaning Husayn] will be killed in a land called Karbala'. Whoever among you is present then, help him." Thus, Anas ibn al-Harith went to Karbala' and was killed there with Husayn. 100
All of these predictions came true, and many sincere Muslims who shouldered the great responsibility of spreading Islam also died as martyrs. As a result, more of his predictions came true. Every one of these is a miracle that Allah bestowed upon his blessed messenger, Muhammad (saas), from the Unseen.

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