Friday, May 30, 2014

Hajj & Umrah, - Mistakes inTalbiyah

AbandoningTalbiyah ]1[or repeating it in a low voice.
This is against theSunnah)tradition(. TheSunnah, however, is that men should repeatTalbiyahin a high voice while women should do that in a low voice. In aHadeeth)narration(, the Prophet,, said:"Jibreel )Gabriel( came to me and commanded me to order my Companions to raise their voices in Talbiyah."]Abu Daawood[
·Some say,"O Allaah I want ‘Umrah or Hajj"and this is incorrect. What is correct, however, is to say, "Labbayka Hajjan wa ‘Umrah)O Allaah, I answer Your call to performHajjand‘Umrah(" if he performs theQiraan Hajj ]2[; or"Labbayka ‘Umrah)O Allaah, I answer Your call to perform‘Umrah(" if he performs theTamattu‘ Hajj ]3[or the‘Umrahonly; or "Labbayka Hajj)O Allaah, I answer Your call to performHajj(" if he performs theIfraad Hajj ]4[.
·Some pilgrims do not reflect on the meaning ofTalbiyah, which implies response and surrender to the command of Allaah The Almighty as well as obedience to Him with love and fear. Consequently, it is obligatory to reflect on the meanings of these words so that they come from the heart.
]1[- Saying:"Labbayka Allaahumma labbayk. Labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Innalhamda wan-n‘imata laka walmulk, laa shareek lak."
]2[- This is where a pilgrim assumesIhraamfor both‘UmrahandHajj, or he assumesIhraamfirst for‘Umrah, then makes his intention forHajjbefore hisTawaafforHajj. The obligations on one performingIfraadare the same as those on one performingQiraan, except that the latter must slaughter whereas the former is not obligated to do so.
]3[- This is where a pilgrim assumesIhraamfor both‘UmrahandHajj, or he assumesIhraamfirst for‘Umrah, then makes his intention forHajjbefore hisTawaafforHajj.The obligations on one performingIfraadare the same as those on one performingQiraan, except that the latter must slaughter whereas the former is not obligated to do so.
]4[- This is where a pilgrim assumesIhraamforHajjonly. When he reaches Makkah, he performsTawaaffor his arrival andSa'yfor Hajj. He does not shave or clip his hair as he does not disengage fromIhraam. Instead, he remains inIhraamuntil after he stones theJamratul–'Aqabahon 'Eed day. It is permissible for him to postpone hisSa'yforHajjuntil after hisTawaafforHajj)i.e. Tawaaf (.


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