Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hajj & Umrah, - Mistakes inSa‘y)Walking between As-Safa and Al-Marwah(


·Raising one's hands as one does in prayer upon ascendingAs-SafaorAl-Marwah.
TheSunnah)tradition(, however, is to raise them as the one who supplicates Allaah The Almighty does, praise Allaah, exalt Him and supplicate while facing the direction of theKa‘bah.
·Jogging or walking fast between the two mountains ofAs-SafaandAl-Marwahin every round.
This is a mistake, because theSunnahis to do so between the two green signs and then walk normally in the rest of the round.
·Women jogging or walking fast between the two green signs.
This is against theSunnah, because this is an action specific to men.
·Reciting the verse in which Allaah The Exalted Says )what means(:}Indeed, As-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allaah.{]Quran 2:158[ in every round whenever he comes to As-SafaorAl-Marwah.
TheSunnah, however, is to do so at the beginning ofSa'ywhen the pilgrim approachesAs-Safamountain, as proven to be done by the Prophet,.
·Some pilgrims think that the round ofSa'ystarts withAs-Safamountain and also ends with it. In other words, the pilgrim startsSa'yfromAs-Safamountain toAl-Marwahand then returns toAs-Safaagain to complete one round. The correct, however, is that makingSa'ystarting fromAs-Safaup toAl-Marwahis deemed a complete round; and doing so fromAl-MarwahtoAs-Safais deemed another round.
·Specifying a certain supplication for each round. It was not narrated that the Prophet,, said a certain supplication in each round.
Some people voluntarily makeSa'ybetweenAs-SafaandAl-Marwahwhile they are not pilgrims. TheSunnah, however, states that it is recommended to perform voluntary acts for Tawaafonly.


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