Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fathwa, - {Misconceptions about Muslim Women}, - Claims about woman in Islam


There is a new group which has come recently to my city and claim that they are addressing common misconceptions about Islam by Muslims themselves.
These are a few of their teachings:
- looking at a woman in her eye while addressing her is a cultural thing and has nothing to do with Islam.
- women are highly encouraged to work )even outside homes, i.e. offices, etc.(.
- the public is Mahram for a woman.
- women only need husband's permission to go out only if the travel or period of absence is more than 3 days.
-the voice of a woman is not Awrah.
- males are allowed to attend and listen to Qur'an recitation competitions involving women.
- the seating arrangements which seek to segregate man and women is a cultural thing.
- Islam does not preach strict segregation of the sexes )they used Hajj as an example(.
- women are allowed to give Adhan )without any specifications(. However there would be grave consequences and that is why they don't do so.
- Sahabah used to sit in a big room with man facing women )more of a mixed seating but women with women and man with man, however in an open manner(.
- if they sat together)man and woman(, every woman sat with her Mahram in a big circle.
Please tell me if these things are right as I have had a different upbringing )different teachings(. If they are, give me a few evidence and if they aren't, again give me some evidences.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.
Men should not look at alien women nor should women look at alien men as this is forbidden by the clear texts of the Qur'an and Hadith. Allah Says )interpretation of meaning(:}Tell the believing men to lower their gaze )from looking at forbidden things(, … And tell the believing women to lower their gaze )from looking at forbidden things(, …{]24: 30-31[.
The Prophet )Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam( said:"Allah has written forAdam's son his share of Zina which he commits inevitably. The Zina of the eyes is the sight )looking at an alien woman("]Reported by Imamsal-BukhariandMuslim[.
The Prophet )Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam( said toAli:"OAli! Do not follow an unintentional look )at alien women( with another look. The first glance is for you )pardonable( whereas the other glance is not for you )that is a sin(". Transmitted byal-Tirmiziwho considered it as good. There are many Ahadith proving this ruling.
So, whoever claims that lowering gaze from looking at alien women is merely a cultural matter and not a religious act should recheck his religion, Islam.
2( Working is permissible for the woman as long as the following conditions are met:
a( When the Muslim community needs her services such as a lady doctor, lady teacher, etc.
b( Working in a non-mixed environment.
c( Observing the rulings of Sharia as for as the matter of Hijab is concerned.
Yet it is more suitable for her to stay in her house taking care of her children, the future generation, which is, indeed, best for her and for the community as well.
Allah Says )interpretation of meaning(:}And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance, …{]33: 33[.
3( Jurists have different opinions concerning the matter of presence of a woman among a great number of men, is it permissible or not? The preponderant opinion is that it is permissible provided there is no temptation; otherwise, it is forbidden as agreed by all jurists.
However, traveling of a woman in public without being accompanied by a Mahram is not permitted with the exception of the dire necessity. Some jurists permitted her only to travel to perform obligatory Umrah and Hajj with the company of trustworthy group of women.
4( Going out without having husband's permission is not permissible, let alone traveling, which is strictly forbidden with a greater reason.
5( Is the voice of a woman Awrah )must be covered( or not? This is a matter of discussion among scholars. The preponderant opinion is that it is not Awrah except if there is a chance of temptation.
6( There is no harm if a man attends the Qur'an recitation competition of women provided the women are in complete Hijab fulfilling the rulings of Sharia and provided he is certain to not to be tempted on hearing their recitation.
However, it is better that only women attend in such competition in order to block the ways that could lead to evil.
7( Islam urges that there be separate places for men and women at gatherings since mixing of both sexes leads to many evil and shameful acts. There are many evidence proving this fact.
Allah Says )interpretation of meaning(:}And stay in your houses, …{]33: 33[.
The Prophet )Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam( said:"The best rows for men are the first rows, and the worst one are the last ones, and the best rows for women are the last ones and the worst ones for them are the first ones".
This is because the first row of women is closer to the men's ranks and the last rank is farther from them.
The Prophet )Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam( used to order men to delay leaving of mosque till the women left. This rule was only to prevent them from mixing with women. If it is undesirable for men and women to be close at the time of worshipping Allah, remembering Him, how much more so in a place full of doubts and temptations. The Prophet )Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam( said toUmm Salamah:"Perform the Tawaf while riding from behind the people"]Reported by Imamal-Bukhari[.
Hafiz Ibn Hajarhighlighted the reason and said:'The Prophet )Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam( ordered her to make Tawaf from behind the people since it would provide more cover for her from being seen by men'.
In short, we mentioned but a few evidences here; otherwise, the evidence is too much to be covered in this Fatwa.
8( Taking Hajj as an example for the permissibility of mixing men and women is totally baseless. Is it correct to say that wine is permissible since some Muslims drink it? It is not sound to take the example of Hajj to allow the mixing of both sexes since a mistake can never be an excuse for another mistake.
9( Women can call for Azan but without raising their voice. Imanal-Shafi'esaid:'Calling Azan and Iqama is permitted for women but it is better not to raise their voice'. The reason is that her voice may cause seduction to others.
10( As for their claim that the companions of the Prophet )Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam( used to sit in a big room facing women … we ask them to produce the evidence for this claim. This claim is full of ambiguity and is beyond the reality.
No doubt, some companions of the Prophet )Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam( used to visit other companions and sometimes some of them visit some women for some legal purpose but it was totally free from being alone with them, unveiled and free from any kind of suspicion, which is common now.
In short, their claims consist of true and false. It is apparent that they are keen to encourage men to mix with the opposite sex and socializing with alien women. Indeed, this practice will open many doors to seduction. Therefore, it is better for men to avoid being seen by women and it is better too for women to be far from the eyes of men as reported from Ayisha )Radiya Allahu Anha(.
We ask Allah to make us steadfast on right path.
Allah knows best.


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