Saturday, May 31, 2014

Fathwa, - How to deal with one's mother


I currently live in theUnited Statesand I m a Arab American Muslim who is devoted totally to Islam spiritually and politically. I am the few who desires the political and “struggles” that the Muslims face today. My anger fuels off the occupation and torture of Muslims around the world especially the mistreatment of Muslim women. With today’s current issues of Americas so called “war on terror” and the confusion events in the Middle East, there is a big gap within my family that has distinguish "who supports what and who". My brother who in the high ranks in theU.S.military and who proudly and knowingly continues to participate in the war against Islam has made me to cause separation amongst the family. I have a cousin on my mother’s side of the family who has proudly participated in theIraqwar, but he is not Muslim. With the two actively in the military the family supports their causes. As a young college student I have my views and I try actively in spreading the concept of Muslims needing protection and the need for security in this Ummah. I fight and defend not only for Muslims rights throughout the whole would but anyone who is being oppressed or who is weak. And as for this, I'm rejected from the family and tag as a "terrorist". But my worry is my mother who has openly chosen to side with my brother and my cousin only because of ignorance and afraid of being disowned and left out by her side family. Plus also her pride in being a American. I also have an older sister who openly converted to Christianity and has married to a Christian man with the help of my mother's sister )the gay between my sister and brother is 19 years(. As for my father, I have successfully changed his view about Islam and the way it should be and Al-Hamdu Lillaah, he is my closes companion. I always gave Da'wa to my brother and especially to my mother. But none seem to accept the principles of Islam. They are the types who are only Muslims during the two Muslims holidays and the rest of the days it seems as if they are Christians. The weird thing is that they know Islam but they just don’t want to adopt it. Currently my father and I don’t speak to my brother and as for my mother, I only make some effort in talking to her but I don’t disregard her, only because she is my mother. As for my father and mother, they are separated. My question is with this situation as a Muslim how should I approach my mother and my brother?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammadis His slave and Messenger.
Dear brother, We supplicate Allaah to pour His blessings upon you, us and all Muslims and make us steadfast on His true religion. We advise you to be in the company of religious scholars to get more knowledge and to increase your adherence to Islam.
Parents have great rights on their children, especially the mother. So, you have to be obedient and compliant with them asking Allaah to show you the right path and bless you to follow it. Allaah knows best.


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