Monday, May 5, 2014

family Articles, - Male seeking advice regarding marriage without parents’ consent

Assalamualaikum…brothers and sisters,
I have been in love with a woman from another country (Turkey) for the past three years. We have met each other twice in these years.We understand that what we have done is a great sin, and should not be taken lightly so we ask for Allah’s forgiveness everyday. I have promised to marry her and have been introduced to her parents online.
I had told my parents about her and have told them about my decision to marry her, but my parents are not at all willing to accept my decision because nobody has ever married anyone from outside our community. They fear that by doing so, they will be insulted in their society.They also reason that since she and her family are from another region of the world (Europe), their family and moral values won’t be on par with ours.
I feel these reasons are not true to our Islamic values, since no group among us must feel superior to another particular group, and only Allah knows who is truly righteous. I really want to honor my promise and exercise my freedom to marry whoever I want to marry as a Muslim male, and by doing so I will be more at peace with myself and my deen. The only thing stopping me from doing so right now is the fear of how my community will treat my parents. I am really confused, and I seek sincere advice from all my brothers and sisters.
I pray that Allah gives all those who might advise me the right intellect, sensitivity and guidance required for this task.

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