Friday, May 16, 2014

Dought & clear, - (Knowledge ), - . He wants alist of books onal-raqaa’iq (heart softening reports)


Could you please tell me the best books on al-raqaa’iq (heart softening reports)?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The best book of all for softening the heart is the Book of Allaah, hence Allaah calls it maw’izah (good advice) as He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (i.e. the Qur’aan, enjoining all that is good and forbidding all that is evil), and a healing for that which is in your breasts, — a guidance and a mercy (explaining lawful and unlawful things) for the believers”
[Yoonus 10:57]
There is no book that reforms hearts and heals them of disease like the Qur’aan. Hence the Muslim should not turn away from it towards other books. The Muslim should read Qur’aan a great deal with proper focus and humility, pondering the meanings. He will see the effect of that on his heart. He can also refer to one of the brief tafseers in order to understand the meanings of any verses that he finds difficult, such as the Tafseer of al-Sa’di (may Allaah have mercy on him).
With regard to what the scholars have written on al-raqaa’iq (heart softening reports), their writings are many and varied. Some form parts of other books and some form separate books. In the books of hadeeth such asSaheeh al-BukahariandSaheeh Muslimetc there are chapters on al-raqaa’iq. With regard to separate books, we have chosen the following list for you, but it should be noted that these books are simply a help: there is nothing wrong with the Muslim reading them and benefiting from them, but that should not replace reading and studying the Qur’aan.
Al-Bahr al-Raa’iq fi al-Zuhd wa’l-Raqaa’iqby Ahmad Fareed
Al-Zuhd wa’l-Raqaa’iqby ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubaarak, edited by Habeeb al-Rahmaan al-A’zami.
Al-Fawaa’id wa’l-Zuhd wa’l-Raqaa’iq wa’l-Maraathiby Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Nusayr al-Khaldi, edited by Majdi Fathi al-Sayyid.
Maw’izah al-Mu’mineen min Ihya’ ‘Uloom al-Deenby Muhammad Jamaal al-Deen al-Qaasimi Madaarij al-Saalikeen
Al-Jawaab al-Kaafi Tareeq al-Hijratayn wa Baab al-Sa’aadatayn
These three books were all written by Ibn al-Qayyim.
Lataa’if al-Ma’aarifby Ibn Rajab.
Muqtatafaat min al-Mawaa’iz wa’l-Adabby ‘Ali Saalim Aal Haarith.
Al-Ta’leeq ‘ala Manzoomah fi’l-Sayr ila Allaah wa’l-Daar il-Aakhirahby Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Sa’di.
Tazkiyat al-Nafsby Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, edited by Dr. Muhammad Sa’eed al-Qahtaani.
Al-Sirr al-Maknoon fi Riqqah al-Quloobwa Dam’ al-‘Ayoonby ‘Abd al-Kareem al-Deewaan, Dar al-Muslim.
Mawaarid al-Zam’aan li Duroos al-Zamaanby ‘Abd al-‘Azeez al-Salmaan.
Al-Tadhkirah fi Ahwaal al-Mawta wa Umoor al-Aakhirahby Abu ‘Abd-Allaah al-Qurtubi al-Mufassir, edited by Mahmoud al-Bastawaysi
Ahwaal al-Qiyaamahby ‘Abd al-Malik Kulayb
Al-Qabr wa ‘Adhaabuhu wa Na’eemuhuby Husayn al-‘Awayishah [available in English under the title The Grave: Punishment and Blessings]
And Allaah is the Source of strength.


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