Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fathwa, - Wants to prevent additional pregnancies

I have four children. All four have been delivered by C-section. Is
it permissible to have a tubal legation, or for my husband to have a
vasectomy? We are worried about the risks associated with multiple
c-sections. My husband and I would rather that he have the vasectomy,
as it is less complicated than a tubal legation; and I don't react
well to general anesthetic.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that
Muhammadis His slave and Messenger.
One of the most important objectives of the Islamic Law is to multiply
the progeny. It is indeed for this reason that Islamic jurisprudence
legislated marrying a fertile woman. Therefore, it is forbidden to
totally prevent pregnancy except in case of necessity. This is
explained in Fataawa: 86253and 83516. Therefore, if it is proven by
trustworthy experienced doctors that getting pregnant is a danger to
your life, and that it is an obligation to permanently cut off
reproduction as a way of removing this danger, then in this case it is
permissible for you to do so.
The ways of preventing pregnancy are various. Some means could
transgress a religious limit or cause a physical harm, so one has to
resort to the least harmful method.
However, it is forbidden for your husband to perform a vasectomy
because the necessity is in relation to the risk of your becoming
pregnant ]and does not pertain to him[, so it is not permissible for
the necessity to exceed its limits to include others. So the ruling in
relation to your husband remains as stated.
Allaah knows best.

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