Monday, March 31, 2014

Fathwa, - Practicing coitus interruptus without wife's permission

Assalam alaykum, You say in some fatwas on your website that azl
)ciotus interruptus( could be practiced only with the permission of
the wife. I heard from a sheikh that it is not true, since there is no
evidence in the sunnah for it and that is only ijtihad. The hadith
simply states that the sahaba used to practice azl during the time of
the Prophet sas, and he did not object. So that sheikh claims that a
husband only should decide when to have children from a wife, not the
wife, and that husband can practice azl without wife`s permission. Can
you, please, bring me proofs against his claim? Jazakallahu kheiran,
wa alaykum asalam
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that
Muhammadis His slave and Messenger.
There is a narration about the dislikeability of practising coitus
interruptus with one's wife except with her permission; this is
narrated by'Umarand reported by ImaamAhmad.
This is also supported by logic and sound reasoning, because a woman
is harmed by coitus interruptus, as she is prevented from fully
enjoying her husband and prevented from having children whereas she
has the right in having children; and the Prophetsaid:"There should be
no harm and no reciprocal harm."]Ahmad and Ibn Maajah[ this is why it
is correct to say that her permission should be sought in this regard.
In addition to this, coitus interruptus without her permission
contradicts the Commandment of Allaah in treating wives kindly. Allaah
Says )what means(: }And live with them in kindness.{]Quran 4:19[Allaah
Knows best.

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