Monday, March 10, 2014


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[A very effective dua for the CURE of all types of diseases]
Join us in this beautiful dua,learn it and write "ameen" below.
''O Allah! Remove the harm, O Lord of mankind! heal this ailment and You are the One Who heals. There is no healing except Yours,
[Cure]with a healing which does not leave any disease behind''
Allaahumma Az hibil ba'sa rabban-naasi ishfihi wa antash-shaafi laa shifaa aa illaa shifaaooka shifaaoon la yughaadiru saqamaa
(Bukhaari ,Muslim narrated by Ayesha Radi Allahu anha)
This prayer provides instant relief and a miraculous cure for all types of illnesses. So, download it on your devices and refer to it whenever you feel unwell or recite it for the sick people around you.
Share this dua on your wall, you can also tag your friends in the pic or in the comment section to share this dua with them.
Don't forget to download the pic, save this dua and pass on to others

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