Saturday, February 15, 2014

For children, - Ubudiyah: Being a True Slave of Allah (SWT)

O you, who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. Noble Qur'an (2:208)
Al-Ubudiyyah comprises the servitude and slavery of the heart, tongue and limbs to Allah (SWT). The slavery of the heart includes both the Qawl (saying of the heart) and Amal (actions of the heart). So, Al-Ubudiyyah is a comprehensive term that asserts the meaning of the ayah:
"You Alone do we worship and You Alone do we seek for Help." Noble Qur'an (1:5)
Every person must have an ultimate aim in life which is the focus of his love and will. If a person does not have Allah (SWT) as the focus of his love and will, he will inevitably be enslaved by something else, whether it be his own pride, arrogance, wealth, power or something that he takes as a god instead of Allah (SWT). The heart cannot be sound or succeed or find joy or be happy or feel pleasure or be good or be at peace or find tranquility, except by worshipping its lord, loving Him and returning to Him.
Following Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi and slave Ayaz Stories illustrate the true meaning of Ubudiyah: Being a True Slave of Allah (SWT).
There was once very cleaver slave called as Ayaz. He had an owner, who was wealthy merchant. But due to some mistake in business, this wealthy merchant becomes bankrupt. He has to sell all his belongings until he had nothing left except his slave Ayaz. Still he is in huge debt. Slave Ayaz suggested a solution to problem of finance facing by his master. That is, take me to slave market and sell me for a very high price. His master said, this is not the real solution to problem of finance, because nobody will going to buy you for a very high price. I know for sure my debt is huge then your own value.
So Ayaz suggested his master to sell him for a price of one million dirhams, but his master refused by saying nobody will going to buy you for one million dirhams. Again Ayaz insisted his master to sell him for a price of one million dirhams because he has some special quality in him which other slaves in the market don't have. His master says, I know that you are not young, strong or handsome. So what is that special quality you are talking about? Ayaz says, tell your buyers that Ayaz knows how to be a slave. That is Ayaz knows what the meaning of Ubudiyah is.
The owner of Ayaz think for a while and says, it worth a try. Then he took Ayaz to slave market and announces that he is selling Ayaz for one million dirhams. Everyone start laughing at him because in those days a slave was not worth more that 200-300 dirhams. It was something new so everyone start talking about it and the news reached the palace of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni.

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