Thursday, February 20, 2014

For children, - Muslim Society: Allah's command to destroy City(Amar Bil Maroof, Nahi Anil Munkar)

Anyone who seeks to enjoin the good and forbid the evil in an Islamic Society must himself be aware of what is lawful and unlawful, and should not act contrary to what he preaches.
His aim should be to guide the people in an Islamic Society. He should talk nicely and be aware of the difference in the level of understanding of the people. If he is opposed, he should exhibit patience and if supported and favoured, he should thank Allah (SWT).
Imam Ali (as) said: One, who refrains from prohibiting the evil by means of his heart, hand and tongue, is (like) a dead amongst the living. Also Imam Ali (as) said: The silent on one's oppression is like supporting and joining hands to oppressors.
One who remains silent to oppression is considered amongst the oppressors and is cursed by Islam. As we regularly recite in Ziyarat Al-Warith, "Curse be upon those who heard the call to deliver their duties (against oppressors) but remained silent."
Allah (SWT) ordered two angels to destroy a city. On reaching there, the angels noticed one of the inhabitants beseeching and supplicating to Allah.
One of the angels said to the other: "Don't you see this person supplicating?"
"Yes I do, but Allah's order has to be executed," replied the other one.
"Wait. Let me ask Allah (SWT) as to what should be done."
Praying to Allah (SWT), the first angel inquired: "In this city there is a person, who entreats and beseeches you. Do we still impose the chastisement upon the city?"
The answer came from Allah (SWT): "Execute the commandment which has been given to you, for that person has never been perturbed and distressed for My sake, nor did he show anger over the evil deeds committed by the other people."

- PUBLISHERm-najimudeen.jpegNajimudeeN M

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