Sunday, February 16, 2014

For children, - Man should remain the same in all circumstances, whether richer or poor

It is written in the book "Adad ussin" that when Ayaz became a close confidante of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, the powerful Muslim ruler, his detractors began to try to pull him down from this position.
One day two of the ministers came to Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi and said, "Ayaz has stolen a lot of ornaments and treasure and he has kept all of them in a room which he has locked. Every morning he visits that room and does not allow anyone else."
Thereupon hearing this, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi fell into doubt and said when Ayaz comes to me tomorrow you people go there, open the door and bring here whatever he has stored in that room.
The next morning these people took tools and broke the lock of the door and stepped into the room of Ayaz. They, however, did not find anything except a cotton sheet and a pair of old leather slippers. They thought that the treasure must be buried underground otherwise what was the need for him to visit this room everyday if it contained only a torn sheet and old leather slippers.
They dug the floor of the room but did not find anything. They informed the ruler and he asked Ayaz that except for a cotton sheet and a pair of leather slippers there was nothing else in the room. So, why did he keep the room locked and pay a private visit everyday?
Ayaz said, "Before I became your slave I had worn that particular garb. But after joining your service I got everything. Since man is prone to disobedience and pride, I frequently visit the room and see my old dress so that I may not fall into vanity. I should always remember that whatever I have today is due to the favour of Sultan and it is all given to me as a loan. After that I begin my job of the day."
Ayaz was also heard saying his prayer with all sincerity, "O Lord! This ministry is - Yours and not mine. These ministerial robes are yours and not mine. The strength in the body, light in the eye and what not are all due to you". He was all this time shedding tears of love in complete abnegation to Allah (SWT).
After hearing the above words of Ayaz, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi impressed very much with his dedications. By embracing Ayaz, Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi says, 'What a lesson you have given me, Ayaz! It is this lesson which we all must learn, whatever be our position. Because before Allah (SWT) and in whose presence we all are but slaves, nothing should make us forget that helplessness through which we were reared and raised, and brought to life, to understand and to live a life of joy.'
Dr. Allama Mohammed Iqbal, praises Islamand its teaching of equalitybetween different class of people in the following Urdu couplet by looking at the example of Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi and slave Ayaz:
Ek Hi Saf Mein Khade Ho Gaye Mahmood-O-Ayaz,
Na Koi Banda Raha Aur Na Koi Banda Nawaz.
Banda-O-Saheb-O-Muhtaaj-O-Ghani Ek Huwe,
Teri Sarkar Mein Pahunche Toh Sabhi Ek Huwe.
So the first condition of success is to fill our heart with Divine Light. Filling our heart with Divine Light means dedication or surrender - renouncing everything to Allah (SWT).
Indeed, there are countless weaknesses of man that do not allow him to reach his desires. Just as man desires to have knowledge about a lot of things, but it is not possible for him. He wants to remember something but he forgets it. He prefers to forget a particular sin but he could not do so. He tries to concentrate on something and to get rid of worries and doubts, but he does not succeed. And he is attracted towards those things in which there is destruction for him and dislikes those things which are beneficial to him.
Apart from this he is in constant dread of losing something which is dear and precious to him, like wealth or children or his physical powers.
Almighty Allah (SWT) says in Noble Qur'an: "And they control not for themselves any harm or profit, and they control not death nor life, nor raising (the dead) to life." (Surah al-Furqan 25:3)
In brief, man is a mortal who has no control over his capabilities or susceptibilities. It is a fact that he is always in fear of death and there is none that can save him from death.

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