Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fathwa, - His wife took over his apartment and sued him for Khul’

How to prove I gave my wife money, and I bought an apartment for US? PLEASE I NEED ALL THE HELP AND IDEAS I CAN GET??? Will I was vacation in Egypt 1 time and I met a girl.She claimed that she loved me.So after a year of talking I went back to marry her.Her family ask me to pay about $30,000 for GOLD and furniture, and told me to pay an apartment for us in EGYPT.I then paid another $30,000 for a down payment on the apartment.Because I trusted my wife,and didn't know how to read arabic.Even thou I'm an Egyptian,but bron and rised in the U.S.A.) I never ask her for any reciept or prove she took money from me.So we went on a honeymoon,at a 4 star Hotel...we only stayed 38days together.Then I return to the U.S.A to make her papers for her to come to U.S.A when I return to Egypt I found out she was doing a )no-fault divorce on me( and she gave the owner of the apartment some money to change the contract of the apartment to gave her a different appartment and make it just under her name.)A NO - FAULT DIVORCE MEANS SHE CAN BE DIVORCED,BUT SHE MUST RETURN EVERYTHING BACK TO ME.....but my problem is I have NO proof she took the $60,000....and she is telling the courts I never took anything from him..."I JUST WANT TO DIVORCE HIM" ......CAN ANYBODY HELP ME...IN HOW TO PROVE SHE TOOK THE MONEY AND APARTMENT...I NEED ALL THE IDEAS I CAN GET...THANK U.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammadis His slave and Messenger.
You are wrong for establishing a relationship with that woman before marriage as this is a matter that is forbidden in the Sharee’ah. Rather, the Sharee’ah advised a person who wants to marry to look for a religious woman and then propose to her guardian to marry her.
If this woman has taken her dowry and took over the flat and then deniedthis in the court, then this is evidence of her bad morals and the weakness of her religion. Therefore, you should advise her and frighten her of Allaah as she might be deterred from her injustice.
However, if she refuses to confess and you do not have anything to prove your right, then it is only the court that may help you. We cannot do anything to help you except to supplicate for you, and we advise you to supplicate Allaah to make a way out for you from your difficulty and sorrow and compensate you with something better.
Allaah Knows best.

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