Friday, January 17, 2014

Fathwa, - Defects that affect marriage, - His marriage proposal was rejected because he has vitiligo


i am a moslem man 31 years old i have vitiligo )white patch on the skin not contagious but probably inherited( my spot is on the lips a few small dots, 2 years ago its not visible but now its a little bit visible and thers a few man saw this in the mosque and they began telling everybody about this and know i am embarassed to go to the mosque, except on friday, what is the law in islam regarding those people that spreading the "bad news" / aib about me? what should i do? i once meet a woman in her house with intention to find a wife, i didnt told her about my vitiligo condition, but after a few days she stop welcoming me, because of this gossip about my vitiligo thats she know from my neghbourhood...what should i do to find a wife?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, is His Slave and Messenger.
Such a disease is a trial, and we advise you to be patient with it, for which you will receive a good reward in this World and the Hereafter. For further benefit about the merit of patience in the face of trials, please refer to Fataawa 83577and 85445.
If there is somebody who speaks bad about you in your absence, that is, without doubt, forbidden backbiting. It is impermissible to ridicule or mock at someone facing a trial. If you learn or see anyone doing so, then advise him, remind him of Allaah, and frighten him of Allaah’s punishment, and the fact that Allaah may put him to the same trial, by way of punishment, and cure you from it. For further information about backbiting, see Fatwa 81748.
Besides, the congregational prayer is obligatory )for men(, according to the preponderant opinion of the scholars. So, it is impermissible for a Muslim man to miss it without a legitimate excuse, such as a contagious disease like leprosy or the like.
The disease mentioned above, being merely vitiligo, is not contagious, to the best of our knowledge; so it does not make it permissible for you to miss the congregational prayer. However, your patience and expecting the reward from Allaah for what you bear of harm in His way is better for you. Perhaps with time people would be accustomed to see you in this state, as seen in many cases.
As for marriage, it is possible that you would find a woman who accepts to marry you regardless of this disease. So, despair not, and rather keep asking Allaah to make things easy for you.
Although it is not obligatory to tell whomever you like to marry about your disease, it may be preferable, in order that she would be informed, and to avoid the causes of any future dispute.
Allaah Knows best.


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