Saturday, December 21, 2013

Women Site - Righteous Salaf, - Amat Al-Ghafoor bint Ishaaq Al-Dihlawi

One example of a greatMuhaddithah)scholar of Hadeeth(, a non-Arab, of the 13thCentury. ‘Non-Arab’ is outlined because many feel that these great women were great only because they were lucky to have Arabic as their mother-tongue and ancestry was from the Arabs. On the contrary, many of our great scholars, even from among the men, the likes of Imam Al-Bukhaari, may Allaah have mercy upon him, were not from the lineage of the Arabs. In the same way, theMuhaddithah, Amat Al-Ghafoor bint Is-Haaq Al-Dihlawi, may Allaah have mercy upon her, was from Delhi — India.
Her father was one of leading scholars of India and so she, may Allaah have mercy upon her, would learn from his company, covering many books ofHadeethandFiqhwith him. In this way, she acquired high authority in bothHandFiqh. Her father married her to a scholar; whenever he faced difficulty he would turn to his wife. Amat Al-Ghafoor, may Allaah have mercy upon her.
Al-Hasani says,‘When her husband, himself a great scholar, faced any difficulty in Hadeethor Fiqhhe would consult her and benefit from her.’
Truly this is a blessing that Allaah blesses to whomsoever he wishes of his believing maid-servants.

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