Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Women site, - Freedom according to Advocates of Women’s Liberation

The mistaken concept of "freedom" that arose as a result of being fed on the resentment and revolution against the corrupt social system that ruled European society, resulted in the emergence of the concept of "personal freedom" which is raised by those who call for women's liberation in Islamic countries. They believe freedom to be a release from every kind of restriction, becoming free from every regulation and getting rid of any type of supervision -- even if it springs from the innate sound nature of the person and his own conscience. The advocates of women's liberation would happily demolish all moral curbs and even the conscience if necessary.
In this way, nothing stands in the face of one’s enjoyment of life or spoils the ecstasy of his temporary enjoyment. This means that everyone should be left to do whatever they wish without any restrictions, regulations or supervision. They advocates of "freedom" strive hard so that society acknowledges this right and the government protects it. This is their concept of "freedom".
The West believes that there should be no religion to regulate the lives of people and restrict their excesses; no morals to refine their behavior, awaken the feelings and stir the spirit of chivalry and sense of honor; no ideals or virtues to be a criterion for knowing the difference between good or bad deeds; and no modesty to prevent people from committing excesses or what is openly evil. All these matters should no longer exist because they are considered history. Everything that belongs to the past is considered "an obstacle in the way of progress" and should be demolished.
This was the slogan of those who advocate freedom in the West and the East. Even if the latter could not explicitly say this, their concept of freedom reveals this; its characteristics are diffused from their slogans under the name of freedom. If the current application of freedom in Islamic countries continues in this way, it would definitely lead to the same social and moral chaos that has engulfed the West.
Since the liberation of women is the chief measure and an important element in the overall concept of freedom according to these people, they have directed most of their attention to them and worked on adapting women to the role that they wanted her to play. They encouraged her to leave her home in the name of freedom and liberation. They drove her to various fields of work that contradict her nature. Consequently, they destroyed her femininity, the family and home in the name of "freedom" and "liberation".
They urged and coerced her to forsake her Hijaab )Islamic covering( and display her beauty to quench their sexual desires in the name of "freedom" and "liberation". They took her from her protector and maintainer, her husband, by inciting her to rebel against his right of being in charge so that it becomes easy for them to deceive her and fulfill their goals.
They let her—rather forced her to— mix with non-Mahram )marriageable( men and be in seclusion with them. Consequently, they destroyed her chastity, dignity and modesty in the name of "freedom" and "liberation". They took everything from her in the name of freedom and only gave her very little in return.
Is this real freedom? Does freedom mean giving one’s self full rein without any restrictions? Does freedom mean rebelling against religion, ideals and virtues?
Does life, in this concept, become a sublime human life that conforms to the status accorded to man on earth by Allaah The Almighty, which is inhabiting the earth and being a successor to authority on it?
Freedom in the correct sense is being free of these heinous concepts. A sublime human life does not accept this concept. Rather, true freedom is to be free from everything that the advocates of debauchery erroneously tout as "freedom".

- PUBLISHED by"NajimudeeN_M-INDIA"

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