Thursday, November 7, 2013

What the Shi’ah do on ‘Ashoora’ is bid’ah (innovation) and misguidance

I am living in dubai and here huge number of shia are pesent arround
us they always say that doing maatum on 9 and 10 muhaaram is right and
this is the proof that we love hazrat husain and hazrat yaqoob also
said "Hazrat Yaqoob (a.s.) cried and said a word (Hey Yousuf) he cried
that in result of he became blind and thier rest sons who were wrong
asked him if you cried like this than you will hurt yourself and no
dought you will die one day while crying. THEN Haszar Yaqoob (a.s.)
replied I cried and tell all my tregedy to ALMIGHTY ALLAH and I know
something from GOD" please tell me the answer as soon as possible that
beating chest is right or wrong???
Praise be to Allaah.
What the Shi'ah do on 'Ashoora' of beating their chests, slapping
their cheeks, striking their shoulders with chains and cutting their
heads with swords to let the blood flow are all innovations that have
no basis in Islam. These things are evils that were forbidden by the
Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who did not
prescribe for his ummah to do any of these things or anything similar
to them to mark the death of a leader or the loss of a martyr, no
matter what his status. During his lifetime(peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) a number of senior Sahaabah were martyred and he
mourned their loss, such as Hamzah ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib, Zayd ibn
Haarithah, Ja'far ibn Abi Taalib and 'Abd-Allaah ibn Rawaahah, but he
did not do any of the things that these people do. If it was good,
he(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would have done it
before us.
Ya'qoob (peace be upon him) did not strike his chest or scratch his
face, or shed blood or take the day of the loss of Yoosuf as a
festival or day of mourning. Rather he remembered his missing loved
one and felt sad and distressed because of that. This is something no
one can be blamed for. What is forbidden is these actions that have
been inherited from the Jaahiliyyah, and which Islam forbids.
Al-Bukhaari (1294) and Muslim (103) narrated that 'Abd-Allaah ibn
Mas'ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet(peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He is not one of us who
strikes his cheeks, rends his garment, or cries with the cry of the
These reprehensible actions that the Shi'ah do on the day of 'Ashoora'
have no basis in Islam. The Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) did not do them, nor did any of his companions. None of his
companions did them when he or anyone else died, although the loss of
Muhammad(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was greater than
the death of al-Husayn (may Allaah be pleased with him).
Al-Haafiz Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Every
Muslim should mourn the killing of al-Husayn (may Allaah be pleased
with him), for he is one of the leaders of the Muslims, one of the
scholars of the Sahaabah, and the son of the daughter of the Messenger
of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who was the best
of his daughters. He was a devoted worshipper, and a courageous and
generous man. But there is nothing good in what the Shi'ah do of
expressing distress and grief, most of which may be done in order to
show off. His father was better than him and he was killed, but they
do not take his death as an anniversary as they do with the death of
al-Husayn. His father was killed on a Friday as he was leaving the
mosque after Fajr prayer, on the seventeenth of Ramadaan in 40 AH.
'Uthmaan was better than 'Ali according to Ahl al-Sunnah
wa'l-Jamaa'ah, and he was killed when he was besieged in his house
during the days of al-Tashreeq in Dhu'l-Hijjah of 36 AH, with his
throat cut from one jugular vein to the other, but the people did not
take his death as an anniversary. 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab was better
than 'Ali and 'Uthmaan, and he was killed as he was standing in the
mihraab, praying Fajr and reciting Qur'aan, but the people did not
take his death as an anniversary. Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq was better than
him but the people did not take his death as an anniversary. The
Messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the
leader of the sons of Adam in this world and the Hereafter, and Allaah
took him to Him as the Prophets died before him, but no one took the
dates of their deaths as anniversaries on which they do what these
ignorant Raafidis do on the day that al-Husayn was killed. … The best
that can be said when remembering these and similar calamities is that
which 'Ali ibn al-Husayn narrated from his grandfather the Messenger
of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who said: "There
is no Muslim who is afflicted by a calamity and when he remembers it,
even if it was in the dim and distant past, he saysInna Lillaahi wa
inna ilayhi raaji'oon(verily to Allaah we belong and unto Him is our
return), but Allaah will give him a reward like that of the day when
it befell him."
Narrated by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Majaah, end quote fromal-Bidaayah
And he said (8/220): The Raafidis went to extremes in the state of
Bani Buwayh in the year 400 and thereabouts. The drums were beaten in
Baghdad and other cities on the day of 'Ashoora', and sand and straw
was strewn in the streets and marketplaces, and sackcloth was hung on
the shops, and the people expressed grief and wept. Many of them did
not drink water that night, in sympathy with al-Husayn, because he was
killed when he was thirsty. Then the women went out barefaced, wailing
and slapping their faces and chests, walking barefoot in the
marketplaces, and other reprehensible innovations… What they intended
by these and similar actions is to impugn the state of Banu Umayyah
(the Umayyads), because he was killed during their era.
On the day of 'Ashoora, the Naasibis of Syria do the opposite of what
the Raafidis and Shi'ah do. They used to cook grains on the day of
'Ashoora and do ghusl and perfume themselves, and wear their finest
garments, and they took that day as an Eid for which they made all
kinds of food, and expressed happiness and joy, intending thereby to
annoy the Raafidis and be different from them.
Celebrating that day is an innovation (bid'ah), and making it an
anniversary for mourning is also an innovation. Hence Shaykh al-Islam
Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Because of the killing of al-Husayn (may Allaah be pleased with him),
shaytaan caused the people to introduce two innovations: the
innovation of mourning and wailing on the day of 'Ashoora', by
slapping the cheeks, weeping, and reciting eulogies. … and the
innovation of rejoicing and celebrating. … So some introduced mourning
and others introduced celebration, so they regarded the day of
'Ashoora' as a day for wearing kohl, doing ghusl, spending on the
family and making special foods. … And every innovation is a going
astray. None of the four imams of the Muslims or any other (scholars)
regarded either of these things as mustahabb. End quote fromMinhaaj
It should be noted that these reprehensible actions are encouraged by
the enemies of Islam, so that they can achieve their evil aims of
distorting the image of Islam and its followers. Concerning this Moosa
al-Musawi said in his bookal-Shi'ah wa'l-Tas-heeh:
But there can be no doubt that striking heads with swords and cutting
the head in mourning for al-Husayn on the tenth day of Muharram
reached Iran and Iraq and India during the British occupation of those
lands. The British are the ones who exploited the ignorance and
naiveté of the Shi'ah and their deep love for Imam al-Husayn, and
taught them to strike their heads with swords. Until recently the
British embassies in Tehran and Baghdad sponsored the Husayni parades
in which this ugly spectacle appears in the streets and alleyways. The
aim of the British imperialist policy of developing this ugly
spectacle and exploiting it in the worst manner was to give an
acceptable justification to the British people and the free press that
opposed British colonialism in India and other Muslim countries, and
to show the peoples of these countries as savages who needed someone
to save them from their ignorance and savagery. Images of the parades
that marched in the streets on the day of 'Ashoora', in which
thousands of people were striking their backs with chains and making
them bleed, and striking their heads with daggers and swords, appeared
in British and European newspapers, and the politicians justified
their colonization of these countries on the basis of a humane duty to
colonize the lands of these people whose culture was like that so as
to lead these peoples towards civility and progress. It was said that
when Yaseen al-Haashimi, the Iraqi Prime Minister at the time of the
British occupation of Iraq, visited London to negotiate with the
British for an end to the Mandate, the British said to him: We are in
Iraq to help the Iraqi people to make progress and attain happiness,
and bring them out of savagery. This angered Yaseen al-Haashimi and he
angrily walked out of the room where the negotiations were being held,
but the British apologized politely and asked him with all respect to
watch a documentary about Iraq, which turned out to be a film about
the Husayni marches in the streets of al-Najaf, Karbala' and
al-Kaazimiyyah, showing horrific and off-putting images of people
striking themselves with daggers and chains. It is as if the British
wanted to tell him: Would an educated people with even a little
civility do such things to themselves?! End quote.
And Allaah knows best.

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