Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Perfection Is an Outcome Shown by Science and Prevails in All Living Structures

Darwinist claims have always been anything but scientific, and they
have always used mere demagoguery and false evidence to prop their
theories up. They deceive people by employing terminology that has
nothing to do with the subject at hand, simply producing words
without saying anything scientific at all. These are well-known
evolutionist characteristics. But there has recently been another
addition to Darwinists' demagoguery.
Terms such as "perfect, magnificent, flawless," used to emphasize
the superior aspects of the structures in living things, alarm
Darwinists. They respond by saying things like, "These are not
scientific terms, they are personalized terms; there is no such
thing as a perfect cell. What criteria are involved?"
The reason is this: Darwinists are aware that they cannot account in
terms of the theory of evolution for the extraordinary order and
behavior in living things, such as the golden ratio, symmetry,
division of labor or planning. Their latest feeble move, a defense
mechanism, is to attack these terms. In short,Darwinists are in such
a wretched position as to suggest that the use of these terms is
Why do Darwinists reject the concept of "perfection"?
"Perfection" is a scientific term because living structures exhibit
a perfection that exceeds human abilities and sometimes even human
comprehension. For example, the stages involved in plant
photosynthesis are still not yet fully understood. no machine capable
of making photosynthesis has thus far ever been constructed. We
still do not fully understand how tiny birds weighing just a few
grams can migrate thousands of kilometers, how they navigate, and
where they obtain the strength to do this. The majestic nature of
the order within the bee hive, how the regular hexagons in the
honeycomb came about and the glory of the ventilation system in
termite nests are all absolutely stunning.
In fact, Darwinists know perfectly well that the features in living
things are perfect and that they cannot explain them in terms of
evolution. But they still do all they can to reject the concept of
"perfection." The sole reason for this is that, in their eyes, it is
impossible for there to be perfection in a structure they maintain
came about by chance.
Chance cannot produce perfection. It cannot understand symmetry or
the golden ratio. It cannot give rise to entire systems that engage
in a division of labor at the molecular level, take precautions,
leave no deficiencies and test for, and even correct, errors. All
chance can produce is either nothing, or else deformed, twisted,
irregular, crippled and sickly structures. That is why Darwinists
are so alarmed by the use of words such as "perfect,"
"extraordinary" and "flawless."
The truth is clear, even if Darwinists try to hide from it
The fact that Darwinists try to avoid with their policy of silencing
argument is this:
Proteins serve very different functions inside the cell. Every
protein knows where to go and what to do at the moment it comes into
being. One enfolds DNA, another indicates the location of the code
in protein synthesis, one becomes a hormone and permits communication
while another becomes an enzyme and catalyzes reactions. Darwinists
can never succeed in performing one of the jobs of one of the
thousands of proteins inside the cell. FURTHERMORE, THEY CAN NEVER
that so exceeds human abilities is, in a word, perfect.
DNA is a work of art. Some two meters long and divided into 46
chromosomes, it is folded into the cell nucleus a mere one to two
microns in size using the most complex folding technique in the
world. It is enzymes and proteins that do this folding. If
Darwinists claim there is no perfection in this, then they have to
be able to do something similar, or at least make a copy of it.
The chloroplast inside a leaf performs photosynthesis, the mechanism
of which we still do not fully understand, with an amazing
expertise. If Darwinists maintain that this system is not perfect,
they need to be able to make a copy or to be able to do something
A moon fish living in Antarctica can survive at temperatures as low
as minus 56 degrees and dive down to great depths. Yet it is
unaffected by sudden and intense changes in pressure, because in
contrast to many mammals, its respiratory tract is flat-oval in
shape, rather than round, and is capable of immediately closing
under high pressure. It can also close its lungs instantaneously.
This characteristic is perfection.
A seed can store and never forget all the information for a flower,
a fruit or a tree. If Darwinists claim there is no perfection in
this, then they need to explain how the seed can store all this
information and how it can be preserved for hundreds or even
thousands of years.
A hummingbird's heart beats between 500 and 1,200 times per minute
throughout the day. At night, however, it slows down so much that
its heartbeat literally stops, and the bird seems not to be
breathing at all. These birds expend more energy, for their size,
then a modern passenger jet. If we were to expend an equivalent
amount of energy, our body temperature would rise to 400 degrees and
we would have to consume 45 kilos of sugar every day in order to
meet that energy need. It is wondrous how this tiny animal does
what is impossible for a human being.
Darwinists need to be able to account for a bat's sonar system,
bees' navigational abilities, a bacteria's ability to perform
chemical separation, the way a scorpion can withstand ultraviolet
rays, the way a salamander can renew its own organs and all the
countless characteristics in living things, in terms of evolution.
But since they cannot do that, living things possess superior
structures to human beings and these are all amazing properties.
And these show us "perfection, glory and flawlessness."
A Response to Darwinists Who Refuse to Admit the Secret of the
Creation of Life on Earth:
Why do some life forms have a sonar system, and others not?
This is the kind of question that Darwinists, who are unwilling to
admit the secret of the creation of life on Earth, frequently resort
The answer is this: The dolphin that possesses sonar is superior, in
this respect, to human beings. Or a salamander that renews its
organs is superior to humans in this regard.
In the same way there are perfections in the human body, some
structures superior to those of humans have been created in other
life forms. But Allah is the Creator of all different properties. If
Allah wished, he could create them all in one single living thing.
And that is indeed how the creation in paradise will be. People
will possess all kinds of attributes, superiority, flawlessness and
immortality in paradise. It is sufficient to know of the dolphin's
sonar to appreciate the sublimity of Allah. It is sufficient to know
that the salamander renews its own organs to appreciate that Allah
is mighty enough to do this. The absence of these properties in
humans is because they are tested in this world.
People will be tested with deficiencies and will thus desire
paradise, or flawlessness, to put it another way. To fail to see the
purpose here and say, "There are flaws in this world, nothing is
flawless," means to fail to appreciate the reason for the creation of
man. The greatest proof we are given about Allah's creative artistry
is the perfection we see just about everywhere in the universe. We
can see from this evidence that our Almighty Creator is powerful
enough to do all things, that He will create the entity He wishes
with the superior qualities He wishes, and that he will create all
these and more in paradise.
Perfections are a great blessing for us. Perfections are facts
shown us by science. Perfections only disturb Darwinists because
every perfection undermines the theory of evolution. Every new
marvel that emerges as science advances will continue to undermine
the theory of evolution, and Darwinists will continue to be troubled
by these perfections. What we of course wish, is for them, too, to
delight in these perfections and properly and sincerely appreciate
our Almighty Lord, the Creator of all things.

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