Friday, November 22, 2013

Never forget, - Islamic Article, - Never forget that the only god is Allah - 2

He is Allah. There is no god but Him. Praise be to Him in the world and the hereafter. Judgement belongs to Him. You will be returned to Him. (Surat al-Qasas:70)
Never Forget That...
• Our sole purpose in life is to serve Allah,
• Allah encompasses everything from East to West,
• Allah exercises absolute control over natural events and He directs their whole affairs,
• Allah holds all people under His control, including our mothers, fathers, classmates and colleagues,
• Allah is the true protector and defender of man,
• Allah will always win in the end,
• It is only Allah Who can relieve us of all the forms of difficulties we encounter,
• Allah knows the hidden truth of an event, the details pertaining to it, and any other unknown aspects about it,
• Allah knows the details of the deeds one has done throughout one's lifetime,
• Allah possesses the power to do anything He wishes,
• Allah knows all the subtle details pertaining to all matters, that He benefits His servants who fear Him,
• Allah protects those who take refuge in Him and gives them relief,
• Allah desires to make things easier for us,
• Everything that happens to us occurs under His control,
• It is Allah Who grants us all our blessings,
• Allah is the possessor of any property (yachts, houses, cars, furniture, clothes, jewelry etc…) and the actual owner of all money is Allah,
• Allah provides the provision of all living things,
• Allah will expand the blessings for whom He wills,
• We must engage in all deeds only to earn His good pleasure,
• Allah will reward most abundantly those deeds done to earn His good pleasure,
• Allah has taught us everything we know,
• Allah is the One Who has rightly guided us and willed for us to become believers,
• Allah is exalted above any sort of fallibility particular to human beings is in no means in need of anything,
• Every living being on earth is in need of Him,
• Allah is infinitely conscientious,
• Allah knows everything, whether we keep to ourselves or divulge it,
• Allah certainly helps those who help His religion,
• Allah sees us no matter where we are or what we are doing,
• Allah is infinitely just and does not wrong anyone by so much as the smallest speck,
• Allah does not harm mankind in any way,
• Allah is the Originator of the heavens and earth, and when He decides on something, He merely says "Be!" and it is,
• Allah knows everything beyond our knowledge,
• No one can change what Allah wills for him and no one can prevent something from happening, be it good or bad, if Allah wills for him,
• To look at and reflect upon the Signs Allah shows you within yourself and outside of you,
• Everything in the earth and in the heavens glorifies His praises,
• Only Allah deserves to be glorified,
• Allah never forgets anything,
• Allah is always alive, that He never sleeps, nor is in need of sleep,
• Allah heals the hearts of those who believe in His support,
• Allah supports believers at every moment,
• Allah forgives and accepts repentance from His servants,
• Allah does not punish wrongdoers immediately, and that he grants time so that people can repent and ask for forgiveness,
• Allah is Ever-Gentle with His servants,
• Allah wishes His faithful servants to attain Paradise,
• Allah will reward those who show patience,
• Allah is the One Who gives us our soul and gives health,
• Allah heals us when we are sick,
• Allah warns us constantly to help us attain true faith and reminds us through various ways,
• Allah has given us love of faith and has made disbelief, deviance and disobedience hateful to us,
• Allah will bring forward a people whom He loves and who love Him to replace those who renounce the religion,
• Allah erases bad actions from true believers,
• Allah gives the power of discernment to judge between right and wrong to those who have fear of Allah,
• Allah is closer to us than anyone or anything,
• We need to pray to Allah that He keep us as His friend till eternity.


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