Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dought & clear, - Is one’s life partner chosen by oneself or decreed by Allaah?.

What does Islam say about life partner,,,is she/he fixed by Allah or
Allah has left it for us to decided?
Praise be to Allaah.
First of all, we should realize that there is no contradiction between
our belief that Allaah has decreed everything, and our belief that He
has given us free will which enables us to do things. Confirming the
free will of His slaves, Allaah says )interpretation of the meaning(:
"To whomsoever among you wills to walk straight" ]al-Takweer 81:28[
Our will operates within the will of Allaah, not outside of it, as
Allaah says )interpretation of the meaning(: "But you cannot will,
unless Allaah wills…" ]al-Insaan 76:30[ Thus it is not permitted to
try to cancel one idea out with the other, or to deny either of them.
Allaah has confirmed both, that man has the power to choose, and that
nothing can operate outside of His Will, may He be glorified.
If we apply this to the question asked, we will see that man has
freedom of will through which he can choose whichever woman he wishes
to marry, and that whatever choice he makes has already been decreed
by Allaah. The man's choice is the means by which he gets what he
wants, but some obstacles may come between the person and what he
wants, in which case he will realize that Allaah has not decreed this
for him, for some reason which is known to Him. Everything that Allaah
does is good, and His slaves do not have knowledge of the Unseen or of
how things will end. A person may regret missing out on something when
it is good that he did not have it, or he may hate something that
happens to him when it is good that it happened to him, as Allaah
tells us )interpretation of the meaning(: "… it may be that you
dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which
is bad for you. Allaah knows but you do not know." ]al-Baqarah 2:216[
May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

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