Friday, November 8, 2013

10 Islamic quotations by Sarah Saghir

Thoughts on Prayer, Faith, Gratitude and the Soul
By Sarah Saghir
1. Make wudu, not war.
2. You can't love God, without Him letting you. He must have loved you first.
3. It's the dua at the Iftar table that tells us what we really want.
It's the ability to suppress the nafs and hush the stomach for a few
extra minutes, all to let the heart speak what it wishes.
4. The only mirror we should obsessively check is that which reflects
the soul. You cannot purchase such a mirror, but you can find it
within you. *Ponder* over the condition of your soul. Sit with
yourself and reflect. But for such reflections to surface, you need
blessed light from God and a pair of open eyes – nay, an open heart.
Because sometimes, "It is not the eyes that are blind, but the
hearts." (Qur'an 22:46)
Ya Allah put the light of the Quran in our hearts. Make it a means for
us to clearly see. Ya Wahhab
5. There is absolutely no need, my friend – no need for you to wipe
the rain off my face after the prayer. I know your intentions are
well, as it may seem like there are dark clouds hovering over my head,
but I am harboring rainbows on the inside, with colors of love, fear,
hope, guilt, peace, shame and calmness. And sometimes these tears mean
i'm desperately looking for the rays of sincerity that bring this
prism to life, under the rain.
6. I know you cannot measure the magnitude of your blessings; but
please tell me you noticed one thing: the difference between the
guided and the heedless. You — whom God addresses, while causally
sitting on a bus, reading His speech, surrounded by passengers full of
hunger & vacancy — must be so lucky. Tell me you recognize this debt;
tell me you found in its depth, gratitude.
7. When you finally decide to practice your faith, know that God is
100% behind you. He's the one to give you that initial push. And at
first, it will be easy breezy; you will feel 'the rush' and experience
that 'spiritual high.'
But then He will test you (only because He loves you) And now you've
got to start swinging yourself, using your core, feet, arms, your will
– against the wind, gravity, the hardships, people, your sins..
You need to keep pushing to the rhythm of faith that swings high, low,
beautiful. Keep pushing to get higher, closer to Him. Keep pushing.
8. O Allah whoever wishes khair (good) for me in the secrecy of the
night or in the openness of daylight, grant them double what they've
wished for me. And whoever wishes sharr (harm) to touch me, pardon
them and stretch distance and forgiveness between us. Ya Karim,
9. I want to live a life of simplicity, not an easy life.
10. If you only pray when you're in trouble, you're in trouble.

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