Sunday, October 13, 2013

Virtues Related to Hajj, - Virtues of Makkah – pt1

1.While departing fromMakkah, Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi
wassallam) halted on a plateau, faced the Qibla and said: "By Allah!
You are the most beloved portion of Allah's earth to me, and verily
you are the most beloved portion of the earth to Allah too. Verily you
are the best, spot on the face of the earth. And the most beloved to
Allah. If your people did not expel me, I would not have departed from
you." (Al-Muatta)
2.Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated in a Hadith- "The
best and the most beloved city on the face of this earth to Allah
isMakkah." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
3.Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "The earth was
rolled out fromMakkah. Allah stretched (the earth) from underneath it.
Thus it is called the mother of all cities." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
4."The first mountain that was placed on the earth was Abu Qubais."
(Ibn Abi Shiba, Ibn Abi Hatim and Dailmi from Ibn Abbas.) (Abu Qubais
is the name of a mountain near Makkah.)
5."The angels were the first beings to circumambulate around the
sacred house, two thousand years before Allah created Adam." (Ibn Abi
Duniya from Anas lbn Abi Shiba from lbn Abass/ Shafi from Ka-ab
6."Around the Ka'bah lies the graves of three hundred prophets."
(Sahih Muslim/ Bayhaqi)
7."There is no city on earth to which all the prophets, the angels,
the holy messengers and all the pious servants of Allah, who reside in
the heavens and on earth, including the jinn, flocked to, except
Makkah." (Sunan Ibn Majah)
8."There is no city on earth through which Allah multiplies one good
deed by a hundred thousand except Makkah." (Sahih Bukhari , lbn
9."Whosoever offers a salat therein, then that salat is enhanced a
hundred thousand fold over." (Sahih Muslim / Sunan Nisai)
"Whosoever gives one dirham therein in charity, Allah writes for him
the reward of having spent a hundred thousand dirhams in charity."
(Ibn Abi Zubair in the Jamul Latif from Sunan Tirmizi)
10."Anyone who completes the recitation of the full Qur'an once
therein, Allah records for him the reward of a hundred thousand
recitations." (Baihaqi , lbn Majah)
11."Whosoever glorifies Allah once therein, for him is recorded the
rewards of having glorified Allah a hundred thousand times elsewhere.
Every good deed which a servant enacts in the haram is equivalent to a
hundred thousand deeds enacted elsewhere." (Sunan Nasai)
12."Each pious deed performed therein is multiplied a hundred thousand
fold." (Sunan Abu Dawud)
13."It is not known of any other city from which Allah will, on the
day of Qiyamah, resurrect as many Ambiya, Allah-fearing souls, pious
people, truthful ones, martyrs, religious people, Ulama, jurists,
sages, ascetics, devotees, pilgrims, chosen ones and mystics, both
males and females as Makkah. Verily they will be resurrected in a
state wherein they will be safe from Allah's punishment." (Sahih
Bukhari , Sahih Muslim)
14.Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "The best,
purest, holiest and closest spot to Allah, is the place between the
Marwah and the Maqam." (Sahih Bukhari , Sunan Ibn Majah)
15.Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "The space
between the Ruknul Yamani and the Hajre Aswad is a garden from the
gardens of Jannah." (Sahih Muslim, Sunan Tirmizi)
16.Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "A person who
passed away while performing the hajj or umrah will not be questioned
(in the qabr) nor will any reckoning be taken from him (on the day of
Qiyamah). He will be told: "Enter Jannah in peace with those who have
attained salvation." (Bayhaqi)
17.Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated:"Anyone who
observes the fasts of the month of Ramadan in Makkah, Allah records
for him the reward of a hundred thousand months of fasting in any
other city." (Sunan Ibn Majah)
18."The salat offered in Musjid-ul-Haram is increased by a hundred
thousand salaah. For verily one obtains one hundred and fifty million
(150 000 000) rewards for a salaah offered therein." (Sahih Bukhari ,
Sahih Muslim)
19."Anyone who falls ill in Makkah for one day, Allah renders his body
and his flesh haram (forbidden) from the fire of Jahannam." (Sahih
20.Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "Anyone who falls
ill in Makkah for one day, Allah records for that person the rewards
of having done good deeds equivalent to sixty years worship in any
other place." (Muatta)
21."Anyone who endures the heat of Makkah with patience for an hour of
the day, Allah will distance that person from the fire of Jahannam by
a distance of a journey of five hundred years and bring him closer to
Jannah by a distance of a journey of two hundred years. Indeed Makkah
and Madinah eject any impurities within them like flames eject rust
from iron. Understand carefully! Difficulties and calamities abounded
in Makkah right from its inception. Great stages are realised by
enduring these difficulties." (Sahih Muslim)
22."Anyone who endures any difficulty experienced in Makkah (with
patience), I will intercede and bear witness for him on the day of
Qiyamat." (Sunan ibn Majah)
23."The best valley on the face of this earth is the valley of
lbrahim(alaihis salaam)." (Sahih Bukhari, Sunan Tirmizi)
24."The best well on the face of this earth is the well of Zamzam."
(Sahih Muslim)
25."For verily, anyone who touches the Hajre Aswad is cleansed of his
sins just as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him." (Musnad
lmam Ahmad)
26."There is no city in the world in which one finds an object, which
when touched by any human being, cleanses him of his sins and leaves
him in the same state as he was on the day his mother gave birth to
him, except Makkah." (Muatta)
27."There is no city on the face of this earth in which a person
offers a salah in accordance with a command which Allah issued to his
Nabi Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam except Makkah." (Sunan Ibn Majah)
28."Anyone who offers salah behind the Maqam has attained safety."
(Sahih Bukhari, Sunan Nisai)
29."The most beloved spot to Allah is the area between the
Maqam-e-lbrahim and the Multazam." (Sunan Tirmizi , Abu Dawud)

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