Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Persecution in Burma Stems, Not from Buddhists, but from the Darwinist Mindset

The struggle between believers and non-believers has persisted
throughout the course of history. All the conflict and ideological
differences in the world are based on the intellectual and
ideological struggle between these two poles. Those who espouse the
true religion and say, "Allah is One," and who seek to install the
fine moral values brought with them by the true faiths have always
been faced by a diametrically opposed force. If there is violence
and savagery somewhere this comes from these anti-forces'
intolerance of the supporters of the true faith. However, there is
one very important detail that needs to be noted here.
Depicting believers as in favor of violence is a cunning ploy
These forces of opposition sometimes appear in the guise of
adherents of a religion. But this is a deception. No adherent of a
true faith can ever support savagery and barbarity. If someone
spreads savagery, hates everything or carries out terrorist actions
and killings, then he is literally irreligious. The fact it says he
is Muslim, Christian or Jewish on his ID papers does not mean he is
at all religious. One therefore needs to analyze events from that
perspective when there is oppression, disorder or terror. Certain
cunning forces are trying to have all conflicts, sufferings and
acts of terror laid at the door of believers. In particular, by
using certain parts of the press and various publications they spread
scenarios intended to incite conflict between Muslims and
Christians, Shiites and Sunnis or Jews and Muslims. The aim here is
to prevent unity and union among those who believe in Allah. The
forces in question are well aware that if believers are united then
they will represent a major force against all false ideologies and
cannot be defeated. Since they regard that union as a threat they
have developed these policies of artificial hatred in order to
eliminate any alliance among believers.
While believers fight among themselves, proponents of the
Darwinist, communist and Marxist mindset continue to support one
another, grow stronger and find the ideal environment for spreading
their own perverse ideologies. The forces in question use this
method in some Arab countries, the Middle East and places such as
Darwinist ideology is the cause of the instances of oppression in the world
There are countries all over the world where Muslims are a minority.
Millions of Muslims are living under pressure in minorities in
Burma, the Philippines, Cambodia and Thailand, and these conflicts
are generally fed by strife or differences of opinion among
The conflict in Syria is portrayed as one between Shiites and
Sunnis, and the press always reflects that idea. But this is a
deception. There is actually a struggle going on in Syria between
God-fearing people and Darwinists and communists. The events taking
place in Syria are a rebellion against socialist, communist
ideology that has been around since the time of Hafez Assad and has
never ceased to exist.
In the same way, the terrifying persecution that has been going on
in Burma since the 1990s is depicted as an assault by Buddhists on
Muslims. But the people perpetrating the attack there are actually
part of the junta that espouses Darwinist ideology, even if they
appear to be Buddhists. (Today Buddhism is a pagan religion but it
is probably a corrupted form of a true faith. There is no
aggression or oppression in the teachings of Buddhism that have
been left over from the true faith.) It is impossible for people
who resort to violence to come out for religion. If they do this in
the name of religion, then they are either deceiving people, or
else know nothing about religion, or else are themselves deceived.
No religion permits persecution, killing, terror or genocide. No
true believer can persecute anyone else, be a terrorist, or deprive
others of their rights. Religion brings with it love, affection and
solidarity. Advocates of true religion have always brought love to
the world.
But Darwinist ideology and ideologies based on it, such as Marxism,
Leninism, communism and fascism, oppress others, terrorize
communities, commit terrorist actions, engage in genocide, perpetrate
mass slaughter and mercilessly kill women and children, young and
old. If there is terror or strife somewhere, then the presence of
such perverse ideologies in the region can immediately be seen.
Communist ideology that espouses the dialectics of society by
adopting Darwinist ideology, which espouses the dialectics of
nature, makes a precondition out of conflict. It irrationally
maintains that there can be no progress without conflict. It is
these perverse ideologies that poison societies with hatred.
Let us unite in order to put an end to the oppression stemming from
the corruption of Darwinism
If we want an end to the strife on Earth, the sole precondition is
the scientific elimination of Darwinism, the intellectual idea
behind these perverse ideologies. And the way to intellectually
eradicate Darwinism is to discuss and show the scientific proofs
revealing the invalidity of the theory of evolution everywhere
possible. Activities such as handing out books, opening exhibitions,
writing articles, opening web sites, holding conferences and radio
and television programs are highly important in terms of giving
people this information. Indeed, the positive effects of such
activities are already spreading very rapidly and people have begun
to accept the fact that evolution is the worst scientific fraud of
all time.
To issue one final reminder, the whole Islamic world has a
responsibility to ensure that all mankind achieves peace and
security. The Islamic world has an obligation to be united in order
to rescue those people living in pain and suffering in East
Turkestan, Burma, Pathani, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and many
other places, and to bring about a permanent solution. A
Turkish-Islamic world that is united and acts as brothers in a spirit
of solidarity will never face any such problems. It will guarantee
that not just Muslims, but also Christians, Jews, Buddhists and
even the irreligious and atheist can live in security, wealth,
peace and joy.

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