Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The İnvalidity Of The Claim That ''Rna İs The Forebear Of Life''

The RNA world thesis is a supposed savior launched by Darwinists out
of a sense of despair at the failure of all experiments regarding
the beginning of life. But everyone who understands science and the
complexity of the cell will inevitably find it illogical for
Darwinists, who have never manufactured even a single protein, to
make such a claim. In the absence of a single protein of the first
imaginary cell they claim for the beginning of life, Darwinists claim
that RNA is responsible for the whole thing, in all its wondrous
complexity. But when it comes to how RNA itself first appeared,
they are again, as always, silent.
· According to the RNA world thesis, a
hypothetical RNA molecule that came into being by chance
manufactured proteins in some way, after which DNA appeared by
chance out of a need for a second molecule to store all this protein
information. Darwinists, with their powerful imaginations, are
still trying to produce a single peptide bond in the laboratory,
but seek to mislead people by shamelessly propagating this
impossible and unbelievable scenario.
· Extraordinary complexity is a huge and
insoluble dilemma for Darwinists who are unable to account for how
even a single RNA nucleotide might have come into being.
· Even if we assume that the impossible happened
and came about by chance, proteins are still essential in order for
this entire mechanism to function. In other words, RNA cannot perform
its function of producing a protein without proteins already being
in existence. Just like other proteins, in order for DNA and RNA to
exist and function, it is essential for the cell to exist
beforehand, fully equipped and with all its proteins and other
· A second major deception on this subject is
the claims made regarding the function of RNA. RNA only contains
information about the structure of protein alone. RNA has no
mechanism to manufacture protein.
· A protein is manufactured in an organelle
called the ribosome with the assistance of many enzymes as the
result of highly complex processes. The ribosome is a complex cell
organelle again made up of proteins. This therefore leads to the
impossible assumption that the ribosome, the proteins serving within
it, DNA and RNA all came about spontaneously at exactly the same
· The RNA world thesis, spoken of with
embarrassment by many scientists, is one of the most illogical
theories yet espoused by Darwinists, who are in a despairing state
when it comes to explaining the origin of life. Casually bringing
up such an illogical claim and depicting it as major scientific
evidence is another element of Darwinist demagoguery.
The eminent University of San Diego California evolutionist Dr.
Leslie Orgel, a colleague of Stanley Miller and Francis Crick,
refers to the possibility of "life beginning with the RNA world" as
a "scenario." Orgel sets out the characteristics that RNA would
have to possess and the impossibility of its doing so in an article
titled "The Origin of Life on the Earth" in the October 1994 issue
of American Scientist:
This scenario could have occurred, we noted, if prebiotic RNA had two
properties not evident today: A capacity to replicate without the help
of proteins and an ability to catalyze every step of protein
synthesis.(Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on the Earth",
Scientific American, October 1994, Vol. 271, p. 78)
It is of course impossible for such a RNA to exist.

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