Sunday, October 20, 2013

Story, - Love Story

Hi frenzz.,i directly wanna start this story..This is a True Love
story.There was a guy name Rehan and a girl Zoya.zoya was very popular
girl in her teenage life.she was very known person.she was very much
intrested in making friends and she was having many boyfriends
even,zoya never wanted to make many boyfriends but she goes in
relationship because of her idot behaviour,and always she got ditched
by thoes day when zoya was in 11th class she got a wrong
number from a guy name kaif and as usual she started talking to that
guy and then kaif and zoya became friends,talking on phone was going
on and then kaif proposed zoya and again zoya said yes,then kaif was
having a best friend name rehan who came into day when
kaif was not rehan started talking to zoya by kaif's name but zoya
dint recognised that he is rehan.then whenever kaif come rehan use to
give the phone to kaif and then kaif use to talk with zoya then rehan
and kaif were playing a game with zoya,zoya clicked that something is
wrong she said rehan that "Tell me are kaif or rehan" then rehan
accepted that he is rehan and he said that kaif is having another
girlfriend and kaif don't love you.and then rehan proposed to zoya but
as zoya was shocked so she had stoped talking with both of them.
After six month zoya was busy in her life and she was not hving any
boyfriend she use to stay alone becuase she was fedup with her life
zoya was a swimmer she went for her swimming state level compitions
their she got a call from Shifan.and shifan was zoya's ex boyfriend
zoya said to shifan that she is changed and she dont want to talk with
anyone shifan forced her so she said to shifan that she will only be a
friend with shifan.then next day she returned home from her swimming
compitions.and she saw her mummy's cell phone she was about to play a
song so she was checking her mummy's phone she saw number of rehan,she
had called and seen is this rehan's or not.when zoya called to rehan
she directly asked "is this rehan" and rehan said yes rehan said "zoya
you still remember my voice" then she smiled and said yes she asked
rehan why did he called her after so long time.he said i was missing
you and was desparate to listen your voice.she said why rehan said i
realy love you and then zoya accpeted his proposal rehan and the main
story begain.zoya was a coreographer also she started her dance
acadamy zoya was not having her own cell phone whatever she use earn
from dance class se use spent all earning on rehan's call in day she
goes on STD booth to call rehan as rehan was in mumbai so they use to
talk on phone for 1 hour and one day zoya thought to talk more than 1
hour that day while talking rehan said a truth to zoya that rehan is
in love with some other girl her name was Mehwish she was rehan's
uncle's daughter rehan said to zoya that he is not serious about zoya
and truely love mehwish and he wants to marry her only zoya started
crying and and she said to rehan that "rehan i don't have any problem
with this thing you love her and you want to marry her but the things
is realy love alot and i just want to be with you that's ok if you
want to marry her but please be with me".
Rehan said to zoya that he can't marry zoya she accpeted and then they
both disconnected the call.Then daily zoya and rehan use to talk in
same way as they were before but zoya got very upset just because she
was deeply in love with rehan she don't say anything rehan always use
to say about mehwish to zoya and she smile and listen.Then the day
when Zoya and Rehan saw each other for the 1st time.zoya and rehan
decided to meet in theater to watch movie together zoya was not having
bike so she went by auto to PVR cinema hall.rehan said zoya to take
tickets zoya was wearing blue jeans and black top and she was
purchasing tickets,while that rehan entered the gate of cinema hall
and he came near the enterance zoya saw rehan and she was very much
happy to see him.rehan dint even smile but then they both went into
the auditorium were GHAJINI movie was going on and the date was 8th
January 2008,they saw movie they accpeted each other.then again they
went for movie and this was way they use meet each other.after some
days rehan went back to Mumbai and then zoya also took a phone to
contact with rehan. ten zoya and rehan use to talking on phone whole
day rehan use to go for football practice in morning at 6'o'clock.1
day on 21st february rehan said to zoya that he will take zoya on
conference call so that zoya can hear the talk between rehan and
rehan's family nobady was knowing that it was last talk of rehan with
his was about to 8pm in evening rehan was talking with his
family he had talked to his brother,eler sister,his brother's kids and
then call connected to mom rehan did Salam to his mom and zoya also
did salam at the same time but as zoya had kept her phone on mute
nobody was able to listen zoya's voice,rehan's mom said to rehan to
eat food properly take care of himslef and then she said to rehan to
call her tommorow means on 22nd febuary in morning she wanted to talk
to rehan he said ok and call disconnected.then next zoya talked with
rehan and she said to rehan to call his mom she must be waiting rehan
said yes he will but reha forgotten and he din't called to his
mom.then next day in morning same again rehan was going for practice
of football so he talking to zoya and rehan said ok zoya i will call
you after practice a guy is staring me,zoya said ok and again zoya
said to rehan to call his mom she must be waiting for call,rehan ok
call disconnected.
As rehan and zoya use to talk whole day whole night zoya was sleeping
in morning and she kept her phone on silent,when she awaked she saw so
many misscalled of from rehans phone then she desparatly called to
rehan and rehan's friend recieved the call his name was Lucky he said
to zoya not to call again rehan's mom is no more with him and Lucky
disconnected the call,then zoya again called to rehan then rehan
recieved it and rehan was crying he said he is coming back home and he
will call to zoya.zoya started crying zoya said evrything to her mom
and her mom said that it happens its life evryone has to go one day.
and zoya and her mom prayed for rehan's mom.then next day zoya got a
call from rehan zoya handled rehan.she din't gave chance to cry to
rehan the zoya gave her phone to her mom and then rehan talked to
zoya's mom and he flet little bit good.reha said thanks to zoya that
she is with rehan and the girl mehwish din't even ask rehan for water
when he was crying she din't even talked with rehan the time when
rehan needed her alot. he said zoya you are the only girl who had
supported me at this situation.then rehan started realising that zoya
realy love him...(want to know more what happend after this keep
reading frenzz.....hope you like it.

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