Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mutual Rights of Husband and Wife

The significance of marriage and the aims and advantages that are
associated with it are self-evident. Peace of mind and a happy life
are greatly dependent on the mutual relationship that develops between
husband and wife.
The main objects of marriage are that both parties enjoy the pleasures
of life with purity, (which can only be possible through wedlock) and
that the continuity of the human race be, and is, maintained with
dignity. These objects can be realized best when the relations between
husband and wife are good and there is love, sympathy and good
understanding between them.
Themain purpose of the Prophet's teachings, regarding the rights and
duties of marriage, is that the marriage proves to be a source of joy
and satisfaction to both husband and wife, that their hearts remain
united and that the aims of the marriage be attained in the best
possible manner.
According to the Prophet's teachings, the wife should regard her
husband over and above everyone else and she should remain faithful to
him. She should leave nothing to be desired with regards to devotion
and earnestness and should believe that, for her. the happiness of
both worlds lies in his good pleasure. The husband, on his part, ought
to consider his wife as a blessing of Allah and he should give her.
ungrudgingly, his love, hold her in high esteem and look after her
needs and comforts to the best of his ability. If she makes a mistake,
he should over look it and try to correct her with tact and patience.
Obedience And Loyalty To The Husband
*.Aisha (ra) says that the Prophet (saw) said "The greatest claim on a
woman is that of her husband and the greatest claim on a man is that
of his mother".
*.In the marriage agreement it is necessary that the husband has the
position of leadership. Man has been declared the head of the family
in the Islamic Shari'ah and great responsibilities have been assigned
to him. The Quran says 'Men are the protectors and maintainers of
*.As for the women, the commandment is that they obey the husband as
the head of the household and fulfill the domestic duties. Regarding
them, the Quran says "The righteous women are obedient and protect
(the husband's interest) in his absence, as Allah has protected them."
*.If the wife fails to submit to her husband, and instead of serving
him devotedly, she adopts an attitude of defiance and stubbornness,
then it will be disastrous for both and they will be losers in this
world and the hereafter.
*.The Prophet (saw), therefore, stressed upon the wives to be loyal
and faithful to their husbands and to seek their pleasure, -(A great
reward has been promised for this, in the hereafter.)
*.It is related by Anas (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said "if a woman
offers five times daily prayer, keeps the fasts of Ramadan, guards her
honor and obeys her husband, then she will enter Paradise by whichever
gate she pleases."
*.Here, loyalty and obedience to the husband has been mentioned along
with the Salah and Fast. It denotes that, in the Shariah, submission
to the husband is as important as the principal duties of Islam.
*.The Prophet (saw) has said "A woman who dies in the state that her
husband is pleased with her, shall go to Paradise."
It should be noted here, that, if a man is displeased with his wife,
without any fault of hers, she will be innocent in the sight of Allah
and the responsibility for annoyance shall rest with the husband.
Advice On Kind Treatment To The Wife
Abu Hurairah (R.A.) relates that the Prophet (saw) advised, "O people.
Follow my advice concerning the kind treatment of wives. (I order you
to treat your wives with kindness and love). The woman has been
created from the rib, and the rib is curved, by nature, and the
greatest curve is in its upper part. If you try to straighten the
curved rib by force, it will break, and if you leave it alone, it will
remain curved forever. So follow my advice and treat your wives kindly
and well."
*.If a man dislikes his wife for some reason, he should not adopt an
attitude of hatred towards her, and start thinking in terms of
divorce, but he should look for the good qualities in her, and learn
to admire her because of them.
*.The Prophet (saw) has said, "No believing man hates his believing
wife. If there is a bad quality in her, there will also be a good
This is the claim of Faith on a believing husband and the privilege of
a believing wife.
*.Addressing the Muslims, the Prophet (saw) said "The best of you are
those who are best to their wives."
*.It is related by Aisha (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said, "Good among
you are those who are good to their wives; and I, on my part, am very
good to my wives."
This shows that there is a special goodness in treating one's wife
well. To make the advice more effective, the Prophet added that he
himself was good and considerate to his wives.

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