Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hajj, - Correcting Our Outlook

The lifestyle that we have become accustomed to has spoiled us and we
except a limousine to be waiting at the airport to whisk us away and
drop us right outside the Haram. There is a system to everything that
we must realize and we must be prepared to allow it to run its own
course. We need to realize that we are servants whom the Master is
allowing to come visit His House and not the other way around.
Presidents and kings of this worthless and temporary world make their
visitors wait for hours without explanation and we expect the Master
of the universe to cater to our every need. To be allowed to come to
Hajjis indeed a blessing for which we should be ready to bear double
if not triple the usual burden.
Hajj is a journey and act of worship and there is always trial in
worship no matter what form. If people desire luxury and comfort they
are welcome to stay in their beds because no one is forcing them to go
to Hajj. However, people must be prepared for hardship if they have
already taken the first steps toward anything.

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