Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fathwa, - What is your adviceabout meetup and other social websites

There is a rise in popularity of "meet-up" websites where you can put
your picture up, information about yourself, and add friends. They are
not dating or match making websites. They promote interaction between
the two genders which may not be exactly halal, nor very haram... Is
it okay for brothers and sisters to put up flamboyant pictures of
themselves and add the opposite gender, and leave comments on others'
profiles that may be very silly, loud, and un-hayaaful?
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
Dear Questioner,
I pray this message finds you in good health and iman.
I understand your concern. Unfortunately, some of these websites end
up being no more than "Muslim dating."
Enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong is part of every Muslim's
faith.The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said, "Whoever
sees something evil should change it with his hand. If he cannot, then
with his tongue; and if he cannot do even that, then in his heart.
That is the weakest degree of faith."[Muslim]
Keep in mind, however, that there is an etiquette to givingnasiha, or
good counsel. If you're concerned about a friend's participation on
the website, then there are several tactful ways of approaching the
For example, you could point out that visiting the website may not be
haram per se; however, there are questionable matters that are best
left alone. If your friend is female, you might want to mention to her
how important privacy is.
Thus, posting pictures for everyone to see may not be advisable. As
far as adding friends to one's list, this depends on the intention
this is done with. Sometimes, people add friends because it makes them
look popular.
The best thing to do is to know your limitations. Obviously, careless
banter should be avoided. If you find yourself falling into this
situation, then it's best to stop visiting the website. If your
friends are falling into this, then all you can do is give sincere
One thing to consider when giving advice: say what you have to say out
of love and concern. Try not to be judgmental. And unless the
situation is really out of control, then say what you have to say and
move on.
Finally, it's important to remember that the guidelines for
interacting with the opposite sex apply even in cyberspace. It's
important to interact with modesty and good adab, and to limit
conversations to what's necessary.

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