Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fathwa, - Taking Rides from Non-Muslim Classmates

Is it okay to accept a ride from a non-Muslim, male classmate? I was
thinking that I�ve been in a cab/bus with Muslim and non-Muslim
cab/bus drivers before (it was just us), so maybe it would be okay.
But then the whole non-mahram issue comes up, and I think, no, it's
not okay. What�s the fiqh on this?
Wa�alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate
There are two considerations:
a) permissibility;
b) propriety.
In terms of permissibility, accepting a ride from someone unrelated of
the opposite sex can often entail getting into unlawful seclusion
(khalwa). [Explained in the answers below] When it does, it would be
haram to accept the ride.
Accepting such a ride could also lead to the unlawful, including
unlawful interaction, looks, or thoughts. When it does�or when there
is reason to fear this�it would be impermissible, as well.
This is where accepting rides from classmates, coworkers, and others
of the opposite sex whom one has ongoing dealings with is more
dangerous than things like taxi rides. [The fiqh of taxi rides is
explained in the answers below.] Other forms of �solitary interaction�
is akin to accepting rides in its details, even when it does not
entail unlawful seclusion.
The scholars remind us that, �There is nothing like safety,�
(al-salama la yu`adiluha shay�) and that we should not forget the
words of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him
peace) that tell us that there is no test more trying for men than
women (and men for women).
Propriety would entail avoiding such situations, even when there is no
seclusion, nor any reason to fear harm from such interaction, except
in the most dire circumstances.
And Allah alone gives success.

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