Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fathwa, - Islam protects the wife's right in enjoyment and satisfaction

It is recommended in Islam for men to marry virgin women. "Marry
virgins for they have sweeter mouths, more productive wombs and are
more pleased with less". But for women it is recommended not to refuse
a man because of their age and marital status )if he is already
married( women even have got no right object if her husbands want to
have more wives. Why man's enjoyment, satisfaction and pleasure has
been given more preference to the woman's?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that
Muhammadis His slave and Messenger.
First of all, you should know that being content with the religious
rulings and surrendering oneself to them is the only way to salvation,
and listening to the misconceptions which the devil and his )human and
jinn( helpers whisper to a person are means for destruction. If the
heart accepts these misconceptions, it will be led to destruction; so
one should be very careful. Allaah Says )what means(: }And certainly,
the devils do inspire their friends )from mankind( to dispute with
you, and if you obey them )by making a dead animal legal by eating
it(, then you would indeed be polytheists because they -devils and
their friends- made lawful to you to eat that which Allaah has made
unlawful to eat and you obeyed them by considering it lawful to eat,
and by doing so you worshipped them, and to worship others besides
Allaah is polytheism(.{ ]Quran 6:121[.
Saying that in Islam, the right of the man in enjoying his wife is put
in priority over the right of the wife in doing so is wrong in
principle, and it has no basis. Indeed, Islam protected the right of
the wife in marital relations and other fields, and there are many
other well-known examples but this is not the place to mention them.
It is enough to mention the saying of Allaah )which means(: }And live
with them in kindness.{]Quran 4:19[. Allaah also Says )what means(:
}…And they )women( have rights )over their husbands as regards living
expenses, etc.( similar )to those of their husbands( over them )as
regards obedience and respect, etc.( to what is reasonable.{]Quran
Indeed, Islam urges men to marry virgin women, but this is in order to
achieve greater benefits than just temporarily, enjoinment such as
increasing the progeny, the continuity of marital relationship between
the husband and wife and so forth. On the other hand, a woman is not
obliged to accept to marry someone who is much older or much younger
than her, or someone whose social status is different than hers, and
so on. However, when the scholarssay that it is desirable for the
woman not to refuse a man because of these differences, this is in
order to achieve religious benefits. For instance, a woman is
generally the one who is asked for marriage by a man whereas she is
shy to ask someone to marry her, and if she refuses those who propose
to her for marriage, it might be that )after a while( no one else
would ask her for marriage, and so, she will remain without being
married, and live all her life without a husband. In this case
spinsterhood would spread and this, undoubtedly, leads to many
temptations and corruption.
Allaah Knows best.

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