Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fathwa, - Giving someone of the opposite sex a lift at night

Is it permissible to be in a car with a non-mahram woman when there is
another man there also (who is not her mahram)? Is this khalwa? Is it
permissible to give a non-mahram a lift in a car at night, for safety
reasons, when there is no-one else available to travel in the car so
that we are not alone? If the non-mahram sits in the back, then does
this count as a barrier between the two?
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,
During the day, in public areas, it would not be in itself a khalwa
situation for a man and woman to be in a car together. However, it is
necessary to avoid this--because of the likely fitna--particularly
when it is repeated, or when one fears anything improper (even
improper thoughts or conversations).
At night, it would not be permitted. When one considers alternatives,
there are almost always alternatives--such as having a third person in
the car.

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