Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fathwa, - The Female Voice & Gender Interaction

I was told that hanafi women are not allowed to speak when non-mahram
men are present, is this true? Also I was told that according to the
maliki position that women can speak to non-mahrams, but on a business
level. What is the hanafi position on women speaking amongst
non-mahram men in and out of the masjid?
Wa `alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate
Please see the following links which relate to your question:
In which cases is a woman's voice considered awrah?
The female voice and singing
Women's Singing and Qur'an Recitation in Public
Questions on Women's Prayer: Women's Congregational Prayer, Raising
the Voice When Alone, Giving Adhan and Iqama
Mixed Gatherings: A detailed response regarding gender interaction
Hanafi Fiqh Team

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