Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fathwa, - Can a sister teach tajwid to a group of brothers?

I am sister, and currently the head of our small Muslim Student
Society at university. Some of the brothers have asked if I could
teach them tajweed�there is simply no one to teach them on campus.
(Having studied tajwid and Qur�an extensively, I have been teaching
the sisters.) There are classes for brothers in the city itself, but
it is difficult to get there because our university is outside the
city itself. Should I agree?
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate. May His
abundant blessing and most perfect of peace be on His Beloved Prophet,
the best of creation, and his family, companions and followers.
Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,
It would be highly blameworthy for a sister to teach brothers
tajwid�it is not unlikely that it would be sinful for both teacher and
students. The upcoming answer, on a related issue, by Shaykh Munawwar
Ateeq explains the fiqh behind why it is not permitted for women to
sing, talk melodiously, or recite Qur�an with tajwid in front of men,
and why it is haram for the latter to listen.
To be blunt, it is reasonable to expect that the interest of at least
a few of the men would be more than spiritual or religious. Allah the
Knowing and Wise has forbidden not only sin itself but also the means
to sin, and has strongly emphasized caution when it comes to
male-female interaction.
The minimum obligatory tawjid is simply to be able to pronounce the
letters (unlike what some contemporary tajwid books claim). This can
be easily learned through anyone who can read Arabic. As for the art
of tajwid, it is a sunna�not an obligation. Precaution in matters of
interaction is given precedence over acting on recommended sunnas.
Why not arrange for a teacher from outside to come to campus, even if
requires paying for them? Surely the MSA could cover or subsidize the
cost of such classes�
And Allah knows best.

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