Thursday, October 17, 2013

Behavior of Old and Young

In every society there are some members who are senior in age and
others who are junior to them. The Beloved Prophet (S.A.W.) has, also,
explained (in his teachings) what their mutual behavior should be.
Stated below are a few Ahadith regarding this aspect of social
conduct, which may appear insignificant to some people, but plays
animportant partin promoting ahappy and peaceful life, both at family
and community levels.
In one Hadith the Prophet (S.A.W.) is reported to have stated that
"He is not of us, who is not affectionate to those who are younger
than him and is not respectful to those who are older."
In another Hadith he said,
"Whoever does not show affection to the young, and respect to the old,
is not one of us."
The occasion for the stating of the second Hadith, as related by Anas
(R.A.) was once when an elderly person came to meet Rasulullah (PBUH)
and the people present in the gathering took some time to make way
(clear a path in their midst) for him to go up to the Prophet (PBUH)-
i.e. they did not move quickly enough as the old person's age would
have required.
Therefore, these Ahadith show that anyone who wishes to remain
attached to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his faith should treat those
who are younger, to him, withaffection and mercy, and those who are
older withrespect and honor.
It is related by Anas (RA.) that the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said
"For the young man who will honor an old man because of his age, Allah
will appoint men who will honor him in his old age."
This Hadith explains that, although the reward for showing good
manners and respect to one's elders will be in the Hereafter,
theAlmighty bestows His favorsto such people in this world too.

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