Saturday, October 5, 2013

Almighty Allah’s Artistic Detail That Gives Strength to Dental Enamel

The skull, ribs, arm and leg bones: In short, our entire skeletal
system is one of the strongest parts of our bodies. But the
skeleton, which Almighty Allah has charged with protecting such
vitally important organs as the brain, heart and liver, is not the
strongest part of the body. Contrary to what people think, the most
resistant part of our bodies is not our large and strong bones, but
the tiny teeth in our mouths. What makes our teeth so strong, and
also gives them their color and brightness, is enamel.
What makes enamel so strong?
How do cracks in enamel protect a tooth rather than damaging it?
Our teeth are known for their strength and hardness. For many years
we use our teeth to do things requiring a high resistance to
pressure, such as chewing and biting, yet they still maintain their
resistance for a very long time. It is dental enamel that gives our
teeth their resistance. Enamel is the hardest and most intensely
mineralized substance in the body, and is one of the four main
components of the teeth, alongside dentin, cementum and pulp. The
enamel covers the tooth as the external protective layer. Since it
contains no nerves, it is not sensitive. This feature of enamel is
certainly a great blessing from Almighty Allah on His servants
because if the enamel were full of nerves, then biting and sucking
and chewing would be very painful. That would make eating a
terrible torment. As with the example of dental enamel, Allah has
bestowed so many blessing on His servants that it is impossible to
generalize. This is revealed in verses:
" Is He who creates like him who does not create? So will you not pay heed?
If you tried to number Allah's blessings, you could never count
them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Surat an-Nahl,
Almighty Allah Has Created Dental Enamel to Be Very Strong
Enamel, the hardest and most intensely mineralized part of the
body, is that visible part of the tooth and is supported by the
underlying dentin (dentin represents 75% of an adult human tooth, but
although having the density as bone, it is sensitive to light and
touch. When needed, the repair cells it contains can make new
dentin tissue) . The color of enamel can vary from ivory to
blue-white, depending on its mineral content. It consists of 97%
inorganic substances. These are calcium salts in the form of micro-
crystals. The rest is organic materials. The surface is covered with
a keratin-containing layer.
Scientists examining dental enamel discovered a highly detailed and
unique structure. That structure makes the enamel, and therefore
the tooth, hard. Although enamel looks smooth, it is not. On the
contrary, it has tiny, shallow cracks. These shallow cracks begin
at the bottom of the enamel and spread toward the surface. They
prevent the tooth from cracking by dispersing the pressure placed on
the enamel and thus make the enamel stronger and more resistant.
The sublime knowledge and detailed artistry in Almighty Allah's
creation of dental enamel also emerges in another way. Under normal
conditions, these lines in the dental enamel should grow every time
we put pressure on our teeth. But these cracks in the tooth
disappear thanks to a special healing process created by Almighty
Allah because while these cracks grow under pressure, organic
substances fill them up and thus prevent the cracks from deepening
and breaking the teeth. Our teeth should normally abrade away under
the erosive effect of the foods we eat and this structural
characteristic of the enamel. But thanks to Allah's sublime
creation, they are able to perform this difficult and lengthy task
in the very best way.
The Strength of Dental Enamel Is the Result of Almighty Allah's Omniscience
In their research into tooth development, scientists uncovered a
gene that reveals the sublime creative artistry of Almighty Allah
and the fine detail in that creation. That gene provides
instructions for dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), which plays a
major role in the formation of the softer dentin inside the tooth.
This gene, which plays a crucial role in dental development,
produces only one protein. However, this protein divides into two
proteins with diametrically opposed functions, dentin sialoprotein
(DSP) and dentin phosphoprotein (DPP). DPP creates pitted and
chalky enamel leading to brittleness, while DSP increases the
hardness of enamel and its rate of formation. To put it another way,
as a result of the delicate collaboration between these two
proteins that complement one another, and operate in just the right
proportions, our teeth are neither too soft, nor so hard or brittle
that they break.
The perfect equilibrium between DSP and DPP reveals the sensitivity
in the critical dentin- enamel link because DSP, an active substance
in the protection of teeth and present in a thin lay at the
interface of enamel and dentin, is harder than all enamel. If the
level of this protein is increased, the teeth become more brittle.
Because in the same way that an excess of fluoride, which makes
teeth hard and protects against decay, will weaken the teeth, so an
excess of DSP has been shown to weaken the teeth and make them
On the other hand, DPP is known to have a weakening effect on
teeth. Excessive levels of this protein will mean they decay and
fall out. However, as the result of the omniscience of Almighty
Allah, a very delicate balance has been established between DSP and
DPP. This balance is so sensitive that DPP, which seems to weaken
enamel, and DSP that increases hardness, together lead to perfect
tooth formation .
Through this sensitive balance between DSP and DPP, Almighty Allah,
who creates all things in specific measure and order, produces a
sound combination by ensuring that the soft dentin is covered by
the harder, ceramic-like dentin. Almighty Allah reveals in a verse
from the Qur'an that He creates everything with a specific measure:
"...Everything has its measure with Him." (Surat ar-Ra'ad, 8)
There Are Signs in Everything Created by Almighty Allah in a
Thinking Community
Our teeth and the enamel that represents a very small part of them
are created with many perfect details we may never have thought
about before. One can see this flawless creation everywhere in our
own bodies and at every point in the universe. Almighty Allah has
created human beings with systems and organs through which they can
be comfortable, feel no difficulties and easily meet all their
needs. The important thing is to reflect on these signs and to turn
to Allah, the Lord of all. Almighty Allah reveals this as follows
in a verse:
"In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of
the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's
benefit, and the water which Allah sends down from the sky – by
which He brings the earth to life when it was dead and scatters about
in it creatures of every kind – and the varying direction of the
winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and earth, there
are Signs for people who use their intellect." (Surat al-Baqara, 164)
Dental enamel has a far superior structure to ceramics. The crystal
structure of the salts in enamel, which contains large quantities of
carbonate, magnesium, sodium and potassium ions, make the tooth
more resistant to pressure. Scientists are today researching the
manufacture of materials inspired by nature.
How Is the Harmony between the Upper and Lower Teeth Established?
Enamel, the hardest substance in the human body, consists of 97%
mineral salts. Dental enamel is arranged in the form of hexagonal
apatite crystals. Calcium salts that enter the structure of the
enamel collect and crystallize, gradually dissolving into the
organic tooth outline. This accumulation starts in the mother's
As the teeth come into being, millions of cells first store calcium
and then combine with one another to form a large block. The shape
of the block is again determined by the cells that constitute it.
At this point a miracle of creation takes place. For example, cells
in the lower palate know the kind of structure that the cells in
the upper palate, so far away from them, will produce. Both groups
of cells produce giant blocks such that each will fit the other. In
this way, when the jaw is closed a molar in the top of the jaw and
one in the bottom fit together perfectly. Any incompatibility would
feel most uncomfortable. But – apart from in the case of disease –
no such incompatibility ever happens, and the 32 calcium blocks in
this complex structures are built to fit one another to perfection.
It is obviously Almighty Allah who gives the cells that make up the
teeth, and indeed all other cells, their properties.

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