Saturday, September 7, 2013

The place where the system of antichrist - atheistic freemasonry - has settled in to prevent religious obligations is the Solomon's masjid

The organization called "The Knight's Templars", founded in the Middle
Ages in 1119, appeared originally to protect Christians and was
officially recognized by the Catholic Church in 1129. However, it was
dispersed in 1312 again by the Papacy due to theaccusations put
forward and its disputable acts. What has remained of the Knight's
Templars came on the scene with its fierce opposing actions against
the Church and all other divine religions after that date.
The Knight'sTemplars which were known as the Poor Soldiers of the
"Temple of Jesus and Solomon" in Latin, settled in the area of
theSolomon's Masjid and conducted its undercover operations from
there. This organization maintains its existence under the name of
atheistic freemasonry and it is this place that it is carrying on its
deviant activities.
As mentioned before, the antichrist system, that is, the purpose
ofatheistic freemasonryis to bring to the entire world the system of
destruction and tyranny,which is distant from thefaith in Allah (God)
and the good moral values. The method the atheist freemasons use in
order to realize this is to be able to prevent the religious
obligations of pious devout people, to try to cause division between
Muslims, Christians and Jews, and to restrain them to live in peace.
Now,atheist freemasonsprevent the Muslims, Christians and Jews doing
their religious obligations easefully in the Solomon's Masjid.Atheist
freemasonshold this holy region under military and political dominion.
Because of this so-called military and political dominion, by way of
the prohibitions in the Solomon's Masjid — the place of religious
obligations of the three holy religions —, the religious obligations
are restricted in the region. Many people there, willingly or
otherwise, are following the order of the antichrist system, that is
the order of theatheist freemasons. And they are doing what they say.
The antichrist system dominates over the place of the
religiousobligations of the three holy religions. Yet, during the
period of the Prophet Jesus and HazratMahdi (peace be upon them both),
the antichrist system, that is the atheistic freemasonry's opinion
system will be demolished by love, compassion, knowledge,good moral
values and thus the dominion that this system are trying to rule over
the members of the three holy religions will be removed. Thus, the
Golden Age, which is the age of salvation, of abundance and affluence,
of trust and when the real love prevails, will begin.

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